"The Bible and the Book of Mormon are replete with accounts of ‘New Year’s resolutions’ and the soul-searching men and women whose lives were changed when they kept such commitments. These resolutions were not necessarily made on New Year’s Eve, but rather on the eve of a rebirth, an eve of becoming spiritually begotten children of Christ.” Spencer J. Condie, Ensign, Jan 1975
“As we reflect on the value of resolving to do better, let us determine to discipline ourselves to carefully select the resolutions we make, to consider the purpose for making them, and finally, to make commitments for keeping them and not letting any obstacle stop us. Let us remind ourselves at the beginning of each day that we can keep a resolution just for that day.” N. Eldon Tanner, New Era, Jan 1975
“As you commit now to do the will of the Lord, He will help and strengthen you. Your faith, trust, and desire to follow Him will be your greatest key to success. ...As you commit now to do the will of the Lord, He will help and strengthen you. Your faith, trust, and desire to follow Him will be your greatest key to success.” John B. Dickson, April 2007 General Conference
“Fear not; only believe. This is a time to make resolutions that will be binding upon you. This is a season to set standards that will hold you to the right course and make you happy now and in the years that follow.” Gordon B. Hinckley
What is a resolution? (Discuss ideas.)
Just as Saul resolved to devote his life to serving the Lord, so can you. As you think about doing better in the new year carefully select resolutions that will help you “from this day on” to live your life as a follower of Jesus Christ.
“To a degree, we all understand the gospel and know what we should be doing in our lives. This brings me to the subject of resolutions—resolutions to conform our lives more closely to what we already know about the gospel. ...We must not overlook the power that making good resolutions can have in helping make our lives happier and more successful.” Joe J. Christensen, Ensign, Dec 1994