To create the world the Bible says that God just spoke.
But the new creation is God working Himself into man. This required the Almighty God to exercise more skill, more wisdom, more patience and love because man has his own will.
The old creation is God calling forth things with the power of Him saying Let there Be.
The new creation calls for God to work Himself as life into man.
"So then if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, they have become new."
Creation of the universe is indeed important. But putting the created man into the realm and sphere of the living Son of God accomplishes the reason FOR creation. That is that God may be wrought into man.
Originally posted by sonship"wrought into man" good choice of words. (sincerely)
To create the world the Bible says that God just spoke.
But the new creation is God working Himself into man. This required the Almighty God to exercise more skill, more wisdom, more patience and love because man has his own will.
The old creation is God calling forth things with the power of Him saying Let there Be.
The new creation calls for Go ...[text shortened]... iving Son of God accomplishes the reason FOR creation. That is that God may be wrought into man.
Originally posted by PudgenikI agree that "wrought" is a useful expression about God operating to dispense Himself into man. And it is biblical too.
"wrought into man" good choice of words. (sincerely)
Second Corinthians 5:5 - "Now He who has wrought us for this very thing is God, who has given to us the Spirit as a pledge."
Since God working Himself into us is not annihilating man but re-creating man, the new man can say that God has "wrought us". That is by working Himself into man He is wroughting a new man, a new creation.
The Holy Spirit as a pledge is a guarantee of a fuller taste of what the believers have today as a foretaste. God has begun to wrought Himself into the saved ones. He will complete the process we know. He will not fail to complete the process. And we have Him already as a pledge, a foretaste of the fuller union with God to come.
Amen to your post. "Wrought" is certainly a useful word for God's economy.
Years ago when I first read the end of the Bible, I simple could not understand that if that is what God wanted, then why He didn't just create it that way from the beginning.
You have there in the last two chapters of the Bible a totally positive outcome where sin, death, suffering, crying, rebellion etc., is no more. God reigns over a paradise universe and His people live eternally.
I could not understand what the rest of the 64 books of the Bible were filled with so much work God had to do.
The day came when I realized that because God created beings with their own wills, it was not as easy for Him to snap a finger and make them obey His will. God could say "Let there be light" and "Let there" be this and that and this and that. But when it comes to beings with their own concept, idea, will, desire, God had to exercise more of everything He has to bring them into harmony with -
1.) His own will
2.) The best outcome to make they themselves supremely happy.
You have really four totally positive chapters in the Bible.
Genesis 1 and 2 and Revelation 21 and 22. In between you have the outworking of God's operation to achieve what He started and His beings nearly destroyed out of their own freedom to choose other than the will of God.
Originally posted by sonshipIt seems that God is replicating Himself in man.
To create the world the Bible says that God just spoke.
But the new creation is God working Himself into man. This required the Almighty God to exercise more skill, more wisdom, more patience and love because man has his own will.
The old creation is God calling forth things with the power of Him saying Let there Be.
The new creation calls for Go ...[text shortened]... iving Son of God accomplishes the reason FOR creation. That is that God may be wrought into man.
As apposed to duplication. What do you think of that?
Originally posted by josephwI think you are correct. But duplication may be an appropriate word.
It seems that God is replicating Himself in man.
As apposed to duplication. What do you think of that?
Jesus put it this way. No seriously! Listen!
"Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)
The ONE grain contains the divine life.
The ONE grain would not abide "alone" but would duplicate itself to produce "many grains" . To do this He must die. None of us can join Him in the redemptive death that He alone can accomplish. But He can release the divine life concealed in the shell of His humanity from Himself alone, and infuse it into many more human beings.
Then the Son of God would not longer "abide alone."
Now think about it. Think of it for a bit. The name "JESUS" is the name JOSHUA in Greek. Joshua was the leader, the general leading the army of Jehovah into the good land. Joshua was the captain leading the Hebrews into the Promised Land.
The "Promised Land" of the human race is the total mingling of divinity and humanity to produce God-men. So Jesus our Lord and Savior would not abide alone, but would be the Joshua leading many sons into the glorious expression of the Triune God.
Is there any other thing that is possible for us to live for?
I can think of no higher calling.