@eye-of-horus-42 saidI onec worked with a Lady who called herself "from a mosaic background". She was a self-declared atheist (and thought scientist should all be) and her grandparents had been victims of the shoa.
Why jews don't like to be called jews but jewish??????
@eye-of-horus-42 saidI did refer you to someone who might know.
If you "dunno" why do you reply ??????
@eye-of-horus-42 saidWhy don't you ask them? They would know better than folks on a chess website; don't you think? 🙂
Why jews don't like to be called jews but jewish??????
@eye-of-horus-42 saidWhen you start an argument, you should at least endeavor to make sure your given is true.
Why jews don't like to be called jews but jewish??????
@eye-of-horus-42 saidThere is no answer, the way you phrased it.
I didn't start a argument, I just ask a question , If you don't know the answer please don't reply..
Stop lying.