I purposely mention the name Witness Lee for the crowd that expects people to be ashamed of a faithful minister, of whom we are not ashamed. We are grateful.
This thread is about the Human spirit [small s] here. Many people believe doctrinally that man is "spirit and soul and body". They agree intellectually, which is a start. But they do not know about their OWN spirit in an experiential way.
Many Christians have read something which convinced them that "spirit and soul and body" was doctrinally correct. But they still have not much realization of how to touch their spirit, to exercise their spirit, to set their mind on their spirit, and walk by their spirit to live in the Holy Spirit.
This thread is dedicated to some who wish to know more about the experiential side of their own regenerated human spirit. And I give credit, in my case, where credit is due.
Brother Witness Lee was certainly the main person in my life who taught me to "Turn to your spirit." And I have confidence in that help to pass it own to some open hearted brothers and sisters.
I begin with lyrics (as best I recall) to a song we use to sing:
"Have you found your human spirit?
Its connected to your mouth.
Hallejulah, O Lord Jesus!
That's the way to let it out.
What is born of Spirit is our human spirit.
Praise God the job has been done.
What is born of Spirit is just our spirit.
And the two spirits are one.
Don't wait for an inspiration.
That's the subtle enemy.
Open up release your spirit,
Testifying you are free!
What is born of Spirit is our human spirit.
Praise God the job has been done.
What is born of Spirit is just our spirit.
And the two spirits are one."
The song's question is "Have you found your human spirit?"
Well, many people have at some point in their life touched their human spirit. But it was a brief visit. And no one, but no one encouraged them to return.
The schools teach many many things. None of them teach you about your human spirit as to how to exercise your spirit.
The congregations of Christians ALSO teach a lot of things. Very few if any teach people about the exercise of their human spirit.
So if you are born again, I have little doubt that at SOME time you did touch your Spirit indwelt human spirit. But you were never encouraged that this was significant. You were never urged that you had actually struck a gold mine.
You made a brief visit perhaps when singing a certain song or when praying earnestly one time. But it was rather coincidental. It was rather random and even accidental.
You never heard anyone encourage you to "Turn to your spirit. Touch your spirit. Set your mind on your spirit."
You touched a gold mine but did not realize the significance of what you touched.
I will help you in this thread to learn to return again and again TO your Holy Spirit indwelt human spirit. For the two spirits, in the Christian, are one -
"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17)
Open your mouth and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus from deep within. You can stir up your regenerated spirit of you are a Christian.
And if you are not a Christian yet, you don't know about your human spirit. But you probably do sense that there is something more to human life than what you are experiencing. That something is the human spirit which was meant to be one spirit with God the Eternal Spirit.
"Have you found your human spirit?
Its connected to your mouth.
Hallelujah, O Lord Jesus!
That's the way to let it out."
Its really true. CALL on the name of the Lord Jesus to touch your spirit. And then call on the name of the Lord Jesus again.
You can find your human spirit by calling on the name of the Lord.
In the fourth generation of mankind, "men began to call upon the name of Jehovah."
Now some people will get distracted with "Jehovah" and argue about the name of God. But the point is being missed. The point is that as human beings began to drift farther and farther away from God's presence in Genesis, they began to "swim upstream" so to speak, against the current. And they CALLED upon God.
"And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his name ENosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of Jehovah." (Genesis 4:26)
The Hebrew word means to call out to, to cry unto, i.e. to cry out audibly. Because men realized that their life was vanity ... and that they were frail and mortal [Enosh meaning "frail mortal man"] they spontaneously began to call upon the name of Jehovah, the eternal One ... Although they were vain and weak, by calling on the name of the Lord, they were made rich and strong, for they entered into the riches and strength of the One on whom they called..."
We can stir up our human spirit by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus. And He is rich to all that call upon Him.
Call on the Lord Jesus with the intention that He hear your voice and that you contact God. Because we too are frail and mortal and life can be such a vanity, we need to call upon the name of the Victorious One Who rose from the dead and is available - the Lord Jesus.
" I love Jehovah because He hears my VOICE, my supplications, because He inclines His ear to me;
Therefore I will call upon Him all my days.
The bonds of death encompassed me, and the distresses of Sheol fell upon me. I fell upon trouble and sorrow.
But I called upon the name of Jehovah, O Jehovah, I pray, deliver my soul.
Jehovah is gracious and righteous, Indeed our God is compassionate. Jehovah preserves the simple.
I was brought low, and He saved me. Return to your rest, O my soul ..." (See Psalm 116)
We have something called a human spirit. Most people think that the human soul and the human spirit are the same thing. In biblical terms there is a distinction.
The distinction between the soul of man and the spirit of man becomes progressively more clear as God's salvation through the Bible becomes correspondingly more clear.
By the time of the New Testament the distinction between the soul and the spirit is most clearly revealed.
Now if you are like me (heaven forbid) you may have nodded your head in doctrinal agreement before you found out that the human spirit is an exceedingly practical matter.
I can touch my spirit.
I can release my spirit.
I can set my mind on my spirit where the capital S Spirit of Christ is.
I can meet with other saints in Christ "in spirit".
And Paul says that "the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets."
In other words we have some control over how to use, touch, release, experience and enjoy our regenerated human spirit which Jesus comes to dwell.
Originally posted by sonshipTerminology is always an issue. Regenerated spirit, that is a new one for me, and i've heard a few.
We have something called a human spirit. Most people think that the human soul and the human spirit are the same thing. In biblical terms there is a distinction.
The distinction between the soul of man and the spirit of man becomes progressively more clear as God's salvation through the Bible becomes correspondingly more clear.
By the time of the N ...[text shortened]... e, touch, release, experience and enjoy our regenerated human spirit which Jesus comes to dwell.
In understanding that we are also created in the likeness of God. We can find in scripture, that we are also a trinity. Jesus states; Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matt 22:37
Here you can see the separation of the heart, soul and mind. And in other passages it speaks of strength (your whole self)
You can experience for yourself all three individually. When with a child, or playing with children, your "inner child" will come out. That is your soul. And in a business meeting, your authority, it is the spirit that is present. When i 'spirit walk' as i call it, it is in my spirit that i am. And yet very conscience of all that i am physically doing at the same time. And the mind, my inner mental dialog with the Lord, always.
There is a danger in walking in the spirit, you must always be shielded. Protected by the Lord.
There are many who do not pray, that do not ask the Lord's protection when doing this. And are subject to any spirit (spirit, or human spirit) who finds them.
There are a number of humans, unwittingly and many more who willingly seek to control and amuse themselves at your expense. And come in a spiritual form. There are many names given, mostly having to do with the New Age Movement. Yoga, (getting late, can't think of the names).
Originally posted by wolfgang59On the physical side none, but the practice of out of the body spiritual is dangerous. And i've talked to a few who do it. They will tell you that "all is good, there is no danger" . My response to their thinking has been, "do you run around barefoot outside? "No!?!" Why is that? "I may get cut, glass and such" . The same is true in a spiritual way. Out of the body, you may be fine. Once, twice. But without any protection, you will get caught.
How dangerous is Yoga?
Originally posted by PudgenikThanks for the warning.
On the physical side none, but the practice of out of the body spiritual is dangerous. And i've talked to a few who do it. They will tell you that "all is good, there is no danger" . My response to their thinking has been, "do you run around barefoot outside? "No!?!" Why is that? "I may get cut, glass and such" . The same is true in a spiritual way. Out of the body, you may be fine. Once, twice. But without any protection, you will get caught.
Originally posted by Pudgenik
Terminology is always an issue. Regenerated spirit, that is a new one for me, and i've heard a few.
The person who believes the Gospel and receives Jesus Christ is regenerated in their human spirit by the living and abiding word of God.
"Having been regenerated not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, through the living and abiding word of God." (1 Peter 1:23)
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has regenerated us unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3)
Through the resurrection of Jesus and through the living and abiding word of God people can be re-born in their innermost being, their human spirit.
I recommend you read this website - www.regenerated.net
In understanding that we are also created in the likeness of God. We can find in scripture, that we are also a trinity. Jesus states; Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matt 22:37
We are a trichotomy of "spirit and soul and body" (1 Thess. 5:23)
With careful study we can see that the SOUL of man includes the Mind of man. So actually Mind, Emotion, and Will together make up the Soul.
I will not go into great detail about heart and soul and mind in this post.
Here you can see the separation of the heart, soul and mind. And in other passages it speaks of strength (your whole self)
Actually, both the SOUL and the MIND are part of the HEART.
Actually the HEART includes the three parts of the SOUL - Mind + Emotion + Will. But the heart contains also one part of the human spirit - CONSCIENCE.
So the HEART of man is three parts of the SOUL and done part of the spirit. If you take away the one part of the spirit's three parts, the CONSCIENCE, you are left with three parts which compose the Human SOUL.
I will not say a lot else in this post. But this can all be substantiated in Scripture pretty well.
Tripartite Man -
You can experience for yourself all three individually. When with a child, or playing with children, your "inner child" will come out. That is your soul. And in a business meeting, your authority, it is the spirit that is present. When i 'spirit walk' as i call it, it is in my spirit that i am. And yet very conscience of all that i am physically doing at the same time. And the mind, my inner mental dialog with the Lord, always.
There is a danger in walking in the spirit, you must always be shielded. Protected by the Lord.
No further fellowship just yet. Thanks for your comments.
Originally posted by PudgenikThese might help you:
Terminology is always an issue. Regenerated spirit, that is a new one for me, and i've heard a few.
In understanding that we are also created in the likeness of God. We can find in scripture, that we are also a trinity. Jesus states; Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matt 22:37
Here you can see the separation ...[text shortened]... , mostly having to do with the New Age Movement. Yoga, (getting late, can't think of the names).
The Human Spirit in the Experience of the Triune God
What is man? A Reformed Response
The Progressive Revelation of Man
The Parts of Man in Translation
Originally posted by Kevin Lee PoracanThanks for the link to the Progressive Revelation of Man. I have been looking for that article.
These might help you:
The Human Spirit in the Experience of the Triune God
What is man? A Reformed Response
The Progressive Revelation of Man
The Parts of Man in Translation
Affirmation and Critique is a great journal.
Originally posted by sonshipSounds a lot like Robert Schueller of the Crystal Cathedral to me.
I purposely mention the name Witness Lee for the crowd that expects people to be ashamed of a faithful minister, of whom we are not ashamed. We are grateful.
This thread is about the Human spirit [small s] here. Many people believe doctrinally that man is [b]"spirit and soul and body". They agree intellectually, which is a start. But they do not ...[text shortened]...
What is born of Spirit is just our spirit.
And the two spirits are one." [/b]
The power of positive thinking.
I have as yet in see in scripture that kind of focus on the self and the human spirit.
Christ and His Spirit is what the Word of God is about. Not the elevation of any mere man. Not even Witness Lee.
You're supposed to be "not ashamed of the gospel" sonship. I don't care if you're hung up on that guy or not!
Originally posted by josephwGradually, it takes time. Everyone will see Jaywill/sonship/whoknowshwhatnamenext, for what he is. A sycophant with some man's agenda to push.
Sounds a lot like Robert Schueller of the Crystal Cathedral to me.
The power of positive thinking.
I have as yet in see in scripture that kind of focus on the self and the human spirit.
Christ and His Spirit is what the Word of God is about. Not the elevation of any mere man. Not even Witness Lee.
You're supposed to be "not ashamed of the gospel" sonship. I don't care if you're hung up on that guy or not!
Originally posted by Rajk999Maybe you just haven't gotten over how badly you were exposed in past discussions and had to discontinue unable to defend your teachings.
Gradually, it takes time. Everyone will see Jaywill/sonship/whoknowshwhatnamenext, for what he is. A sycophant with some man's agenda to push.
You certainly have had it out for me ever since.
Go back to the thread on RAJK999ism and defend your legalism.
Originally posted by Rajk999Since Rajk999 is eager to portray me as multiple ids, all who have participated here should know that
Gradually, it takes time. Everyone will see Jaywill/sonship/whoknowshwhatnamenext, for what he is. A sycophant with some man's agenda to push.
1.) Multiple times I explained why my tag changed.
2.) There is no post on this thread by me in which I have not clearly indicated who it was who was posting.