@lemondrop saidI don't know about the "rapist" part, but I would have liked to see even 10% of the media attention paid to the other victims of this crash. To read the accounts of this tragedy, one would think the only victim was Kobe.
kobe bryant
25 Feb 20
@mchill saidThe bit that confused me was that the story made the major news programmes in England. No disrespect, but the extent to which nobody knew who he was became obvious when one channel used a picture of somebody else by mistake. Made me wonder just how much money is being poured into trying to get people talking about U.S. sport in the U.K.
I don't know about the "rapist" part, but I would have liked to see even 10% of the media attention paid to the other victims of this crash. To read the accounts of this tragedy, one would think the only victim was Kobe.
25 Feb 20
@lemondrop saidHow do you know it wasn't some woman or women trying to get money out of him?
kobe bryant
I believe in this case the woman or women did get money out of him, just to make it go away. It may have even been consensual, there may have been pictures taken he would not want to get out.
We really don't know the whole story on it. His daughter is mentioned quite abit also, but I do agree the other 7 involved should have gotten more mention then they did. Once again money is power as I've been saying for years!
@lemondrop saidMajor mistake, lemondrop. You used the word "RAPE" in your title.
kobe bryant
That's like extending a special invite to the forum troll. ::GAD::
@earl-of-trumps saidThat should be troll(s) not just troll! 😉 Don't exclude yourself by the way!
Major mistake, lemondrop. You used the word "RAPE" in your title.
That's like extending a special invite to the forum troll. ::GAD::
@mchill saidThey do talk about his daughter a lot too. And the pilot did it to himself.
I don't know about the "rapist" part, but I would have liked to see even 10% of the media attention paid to the other victims of this crash. To read the accounts of this tragedy, one would think the only victim was Kobe.
@eladar saidthat is not a defense that will hold
Nobody forced them onto the helicopter.
big money is coming
29 Feb 20
@lemondrop saidBig money is what caused it.
that is not a defense that will hold
big money is coming
Hi, my name is Kobe Bryant. I play good basketball. I am so rich I do not sit in traffic.