Originally posted by CHESSonESPNps
Lakers bout to rap it up on thursday. make some noise for kobeeeeee
world cup is for losers with no lifeeeee
then we all assume you must already be there at the world cup? yeah?......thats obvious with a dumb thread like this..
on a scale of 0-10....you score zero, you must be so proud?
Originally posted by CHESSonESPNI know this maybe hard for you to comprehend...but you have to admit you made a senseless comment in the starting of this thread....so to make this simple for you to understand, your initial posting of this thread was not necessary or essential; needless; unessential....that has nothing to do with any other attached posts.
ok first of all. if this thread is so dumb then how dumb does that make you for posting on it... and not even saying anything good. obvoiusly im not at the world cup if i said its stupid. nice try tho. see ya
But just when I thought the initial thread was dumb your reply was even dumber....Just trying to help you out, so that your comments are user friendly for everyone...
you may not like the world cup, good for you....but just because you don't like it doesn't make those who do like it Losers, does it now?...thats like saying from the point of view of a football fan that those who don't follow the world cup are LOSERS...
hope this could be of some assistance to you?
you guys are funny.
i like what you did with the whole "lakers" thing.
see what you did was take the word lake from lakers and then use your genius to relate it to something about water...like boating. that was fresh. i've never heard something so original. who writes your material? and i said nothing about a rapper...if you want to add *per to words then more power to you. as for my education anyone who honestly thinks they are smarted than me can play me in chess.
oh and lifeeeeee, is the same as life. just with more e's for emphasis, i can see you aren't the most intelligent of the bunch. but please one of you trash talkers come get whooped by me in chess. haha please!!!
oh and lifeeeeee, is the same as life. just with more e's for emphasis, i can see you aren't the most intelligent of the bunch. but please one of you trash talkers come get whooped by me in chess. haha please!!![/b]are you the original poster in disguise?
according to the original post it was spelt lifeeeee with 5 e's
now your claiming it has 6 e's.
what shall it be? is it a lifeeeee or a lifeeeeee?