Originally posted by zm775I'm certainly hoping for you, but I'm afraid Italy will win this one. Surprise me NZ
This could be another surprise game, we seem to be having enough of them.
I am predicting a 1 goal victory to New Zealand, but of course I would say that.
I have outlayed $5 dollars wager with odds of 2000 to 1 if Kiwis bring home the cup - that means $10,000 payout.
Originally posted by orion25If Pirlo plays it's a certain win. If Italy presents same lineup as game one they may be in for a rough outing, but unlikely to lose. Maybe if they start Di Natale instead of Inzaghi. Montolivo is a sorry midfielder. If Pirlo can't go and Montolivo starts I see the two sides pretty even. Let's not forget Buffon is probably out rest of cup. New goalie is unknown quantity. Italy failed to impress in first game. Perhaps they'll pull a Uruguay and come out swinging!
I'm certainly hoping for you, but I'm afraid Italy will win this one. Surprise me NZ