Originally posted by bill718Yes a lot of time playing a sport is more fun then watching it (well except running) but that doesn't take away from the fact that watching sport can be a lot more entertaining then watching a tv programme or a film
I like sports...I always have. It's much more interesting however to compete than watch. Running, Basketball, Swimming, Tennis are a lot of fun to participate in. I don't understand the leigons of people who pay to watch others do it. Seems like a waste of time and money.😏
Now take something like if Spain and Holland meet in the world cup final, if I was from either country theirs no way in a million years I'd rather be playing any sport or doing any other activity then watching this match as the fact that neither country has ever won the world cup makes this match pretty much a lot more important then anything else I could possible be doing.
Once you start supporting a team or person in any sport you get emotinally involved and it's this emotinal involvment that makes wathing sport perhaps the most wonderful thing in the world
WE watch in admiration those who elevate those very sports to a different level, unattainable by us mere mortals. It is a form of entertainment without compare. Same reason we look at the games of Anand, Alekhine, Fischer and others. If we add the national pride involved then we have a sport unifying millions. There are those who would like to eliminate sports and basically all forms of enjoyment for they would love nothing better than to dictate to others what is and isn't enjoyable. I find that despicable and an emanation from a totalitarian mind. Of course some fail to understand why others do what they do for they fail to see joy in anything but what they think is right for others to do. Of course it gets framed as a waste of time and money for they know better than the sports fan how to spend that money for they know it all. These ideas get bandied about all the time in the febrile minds of those who would enslave others to their ways of thinking. Sports fans out there pay no heed. Yours is no waste of time or money. Keep watching, attending and if you also choose to play said same sports do so for you are free to do so!
Originally posted by monteirofRegrettably it is worse than porn. Others imposing their narrow worldview on others under guise of a milquetoast approach is the precursor of totalitarianism. These same people are the ones that want scoreless soccer leagues so kids won't get their feelings hurt if they lose.
though it was a thread on porn