Originally posted by EcstremeVenomYeah, the Cowboys cut him and signed Martin Gramatica. Parcells is notorious for being short-tempered with kickers, and he never liked Vanderjagt in the first place.
is it true he was fired? i seen somebody reading a newspaper that said KICKED TO THE CURB with a picture of him
Originally posted by Natural ScienceHim stinking it up doesn't help much either. Will someone pick him up and hope to 'rebuild' him?
Yeah, the Cowboys cut him and signed Martin Gramatica. Parcells is notorious for being short-tempered with kickers, and he never liked Vanderjagt in the first place.
Originally posted by EcstremeVenomBecause they gave him 2.5 million dollars to be a an 89.5 % field goal kicker and they instead got a 72 % field goal kicker that can't hit the important kicks (close to the bottom in the NFL) and the Cowboys were having to punt too often because they didn't have confidence in his kicks many of which went wide right. He was a Bobble headed jack ass that couldn't be depended on with the playoffs coming up. Parcells said if he was worried about the position he would rather have a new worry than to deal with the old one. In sports it's not what you did in the past that matters it's what have you done lately. The only thing that kept him around this long was the money he was paid. Susham was better. It's results that win championships. Whoever said it's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game was a fool, otherwise why keep score.
why didnt he like him?