We all know that electricity is typically stored as potential energy
by pumping water to a higher level but this Australian project
takes that to a completely different level. In more ways than one.
Maybe someone should tell Trump? (Who famously said the lights
go out when the wind stops blowing if you rely on wind turbines)
Boy you really know how to come back with a stinging rebuke.
Is that all you got? I thought you were a frigging chess master.
Surely you can do better than THAT.
Well, he also looked at a sat image of SK, NK and china, SK all lit up at night, China all lit up at night, NK totally black.
He asks 'what ocean is that'?
Hm. Sounds like Pykrete. Or communism. Good in theory, doesn't work in practice.
You sure you are in the right thread? This is about storing electricity presumably made by wind or solar.
@wolfgang59 saidhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molten-salt_battery
We all know that electricity is typically stored as potential energy
by pumping water to a higher level but this Australian project
takes that to a completely different level. In more ways than one.
Maybe someone should tell Trump? (Who famously said the lights
go out when the wind stops blowing if you rely on wind turbines)
They are much stronger pound for pound than the lead acid batteries in cars now. And more reliable, if a lead acid battery sits for a few months without a trickle charge dendrites form that ruins the battery.
They solved that problem with lithium ion batteries and newer even more powerful pound for pound batteries are in the works.