42.4º N / -71.2º W
97534 - 1-0 Gburl 97653 - 1-0 kyngj What happens now? Joe
Slightly Left :D
Gotta wait for the second round...I will keep ya informed. Dave KO TD
Center of Contention
Dave, I thought that after two games were split, a tiebreaker was played with the lower rated opponent taking white. Do tiebreakers have to wait until the second round to be played? Just wondering, Bennett
I must have totally looked at it wrong...yes a tiebreaker game..lower person gets white. Dave
Charleston SC. USA
kyngi or Gburl, Please post your tie-breaker game number so I can document it. John Assistant TD Baker Invitational (Top Division)
Tiebreaker game id100386 kyngj is white. gene The Elder
game ID noted. Thanks Gene, The Elder John Assistant TD Baker Invitational
a bit closer please
You need to start a 3rd game! Check with the TDs, but I think the lower rated player gets to start as white.
Dave already answered this Higher rated gets white. John Assistant TD Baker Invitational
Not on tiebreaker John...lower gets white Dave KO TD
oh ok! Thanks Dave. John
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