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Wandering (Drunken) King's Tourney

Wandering (Drunken) King's Tourney


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Well, since I didn't get into a recently requested tourney of mine 🙁, how about one that fewer players will pounce on but would still be interesting? 😉

We should have a Wandering King Opening

1. f3 e5 2. Kf2

It would be interesting to see if you could defend your king (as white) and make a comeback...

What do you think?

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looks good, i'd be interested playing this in a tournament.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Well, since I didn't get into a recently requested tourney of mine 🙁, how about one that fewer players will pounce on but would still be interesting? 😉

We should have a Wandering King Opening

1. f3 e5 2. Kf2


It would be interesting to see if you could defend your king (as white) and make a comeback...

What do you think?
I brought that up a month or two ago. No one was interested. But I would love to enter a tournament like that.

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I think it would be a fun idea - banded or unbanded.
Unbanded would mean higher rated players being trolled and trashed on if they enter - but would also mean more fun. Lower against higher - as black - would be an experience on making correct attacking plans against a stronger player for the lower side and a fun experience for defensive play (if black plays right) for the stronger side. While with same ratings it could be a run to who can draw / who can win as white more.
I think it should be done, because we have too many people taking too many tourneys far too serious. It would be nice to have a change with a fun setup - even if with much less player interested.
Let's see if there'll be such a tournament in a week and if not I might sponsor one - that way there will surely be one. 🙂

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I am to sponsor a thematic turney based on this opening - what time setting should it be 3/21 or 7/7?

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Originally posted by EveRyDay
I am to sponsor a thematic turney based on this opening - what time setting should it be 3/21 or 7/7?
3/21 would be a better compromise between fast and slow movers

Interesting opening

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Originally posted by EveRyDay
I am to sponsor a thematic turney based on this opening - what time setting should it be 3/21 or 7/7?
i'd prefer 3/7 or 7/7, but then again, i'm not too much concerned about the time setting.

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Wow, I never thought I'd get a sponsored tourney out of this idea, but thanks! I vote for 7/7, but I'm flexible... 😉

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Well, since I didn't get into a recently requested tourney of mine 🙁, how about one that fewer players will pounce on but would still be interesting? 😉

We should have a Wandering King Opening

1. f3 e5 2. Kf2


It would be interesting to see if you could defend your king (as white) and make a comeback...

What do you think?
I like this opening and sometimes use it but the Drunken King (Tumbleweed) opening is as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. f4 exf4
3. Kf2

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Originally posted by slappy115
I like this opening and sometimes use it but the Drunken King (Tumbleweed) opening is as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. f4 exf4
3. Kf2

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/8/4Pp2/8/PPPP1KPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - 0 1[/fen]
Oooh, that looks even more difficult to defend...and therefore probably more fun! 😉

I don't know though, I've seen similar openings but all "called" the "drunken/wandering/etc. king." Doesn't matter, it's fun either way...

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Oooh, that looks even more difficult to defend...and therefore probably more fun! 😉

I don't know though, I've seen similar openings but all "called" the "drunken/wandering/etc. king." Doesn't matter, it's fun either way...
True, either way it should be fun. I like the opening, especially if you know how to save the king. Lousy drunk.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Oooh, that looks even more difficult to defend...and therefore probably more fun! 😉

I don't know though, I've seen similar openings but all "called" the "drunken/wandering/etc. king." Doesn't matter, it's fun either way...
Oh yeah, at least this opening is better than the Grob.

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Originally posted by slappy115
Oh yeah, at least this opening is better than the Grob.
Yes its great! Especially when played Grob style.

Game 3514806

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Well. I've posted the feedback a few hours ago, so this should be on the run shortly. I made it 3/21 because I hope to attract the most players that way.
I will participate, too - but in case of me winning the second place will get the prize - and people whom I might cut off in earlier rounds will get a special consolation prize. But that occurs only for the seconds.
I hope to have around a hundred people joining so I will wait a couple of days before starting.


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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Yes its great! Especially when played Grob style.

Game 3514806
I love this opening. Here is what can happen when someone aggressively attacks the king's side.

Sorry Witty. 😉

Game 2898830

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