40 veterens die waiting for health care

40 veterens die waiting for health care


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02 Jan 06
18 May 14
3 edits


Apparently 40 veterans died awaiting to be treated at a VA in Phoenix. There seems to have some sort of secret waiting list that made veterans wait months for care. Then when someone blew the whistle, they tried to shred the evidence. Since appointments on computers are more easy to trace these days, they naturally tell their staff to write appointments down by paper only.

This is what the rest of America has to look forward to in a government run health care system. Those who are deemed to be too sick will put on extended waiting lists to die.

Anyone who thinks about serving in the progressive military has to have their heads examined. They would be far better off serving their country by joining a militia.

Meanwhile, any illegals who want health care get it the same day.

I would love to see everyone leave the armed forces and force people like Obama and Eric Holder to get out there on the battle field and get shot at for their wars against countries like Syria and Libya. I would pay good money to see that.



03 Sep 06
18 May 14
3 edits

Originally posted by whodey

Apparently 40 veterans died awaiting to be treated at a VA in Phoenix. There seems to have some sort of secret waiting list that made veterans wait months for care. Then when someone blew the whistle, they tried to shred the evidence. Since appointments on computers are mo ...[text shortened]... t at for their wars against countries like Syria and Libya. I would pay good money to see that.
You forgot Karl Rove, Dick (many deferments) Cheney, Mitt Romney, and a host of armchair generals on the GOP side that like to use their taxpayer supported healthcare benefits as well. OOPS....another inconvienent truth rears it's ugly head. 😲


25 Jun 06
18 May 14

Just because there is an allegation does not make it true. Seems like there are conflicting accounts and an investigation has been under way for some time - it is premature to turn this into a scare story unless there is a political objective in doing just that. You just choose the version that suits your point of view. In that environment, the possibility of ever knowing the truth is pretty slim - but that also probably suits your jaundiced, miserable view of the world.


"I think there is some confusion amongst our staff. When we came on as a leadership team in 2012, the practice at that time was that they would schedule new veterans who would were coming in for care way out into the future. Sometimes a year, sometimes 14 months. And that was the appointment that that veteran was given.
"As we started to tackle our challenges of access, we implemented a tool that the VA uses nationally called the electronic wait list. And what that tool is it's an electronic waiting list that allows us to everyday look to see who is waiting for an appointment.
"So what we did is we took those patients that were scheduled way out into the future, and we put them on this national tool that the VA uses so that we could track them. What that did is, rather than having an appointment 14 months out into the future, it put them on this EWL electronic waiting list, so that when we had an appointment that came open, so if a veteran called next week and canceled their appointment, we could pull a veteran off this list and get them into that slot.
"So it actually improved the probability of these veterans getting an appointment sooner. And in that transition time, I think there was some confusion among staff, I think there were some folks who did not understand that, and I think that's where these allegations are coming from.
"But like Miss Helman said, we take them very seriously and that is why we have invited the office of inspector general to come in and do an investigation: A thorough and unbiased investigation and get to the bottom of this. And we look forward to their report."
Lot of words there but maybe you can understand that they conflict with your opinion. I don't know the full truth and neither do you but your account is not justified by the information that is easily available.


12 Jul 08
18 May 14


Why resign as you are about to retire, if there is nothing to see?


25 Jun 06
18 May 14

Originally posted by Eladar

Why resign as you are about to retire, if there is nothing to see?
Maybe the sheer joy and delight of remaining in a job subject to insult and harassment from the media is less than the relief of deciding that you are retiring this year, your replacement has already been appointed on 1st May, and you can walk away to do something more interesting.

Why on earth do people imagine that insulting and harassing their public officials is a way to retain their services and to sustain their motivation? Why does it not occur to you that people do this for a living, they do their best most of the time, and they find the endless carping and bitching really really depressing and tiresome?

This remains nothing more than an over excited public allegation for which there is, as yet, no evidence and for which an independent investigation has been established. You have no idea what you are talking about and need to give it a rest.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
18 May 14

It's Arizona. Those people are insane.


12 Jul 08
18 May 14

Originally posted by finnegan
Maybe the sheer joy and delight of remaining in a job subject to insult and harassment from the media is less than the relief of deciding that you are retiring this year, your replacement has already been appointed on 1st May, and you can walk away to do something more interesting.

Why on earth do people imagine that insulting and harassing their public ...[text shortened]... on has been established. You have no idea what you are talking about and need to give it a rest.
If you did nothing wrong, then you will be able to retire and collect all that money. He's losing a bunch of money by resigning when he is about to retire. When retirement is like resigning, you just get a pay check for the rest of your life.


21 Jan 14
18 May 14

Originally posted by finnegan
Just because there is an allegation does not make it true. Seems like there are conflicting accounts and an investigation has been under way for some time - it is premature to turn this into a scare story unless there is a political objective in doing just that. You just choose the version that suits your point of view. In that environment, the possibility ...[text shortened]... nd neither do you but your account is not justified by the information that is easily available.
CNN, the notorious right wing mouth piece, disagrees with your assessment.

Apparently the president is mad as hell, according to the conservative rag Time


02 Jan 06
18 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
Apparently the president is mad as hell, according to the conservative rag Time
Yea, just like he is about the IRS going after conservatives.


25 Jun 06
19 May 14

Originally posted by Eladar
If you did nothing wrong, then you will be able to retire and collect all that money. He's losing a bunch of money by resigning when he is about to retire. When retirement is like resigning, you just get a pay check for the rest of your life.
Rubbish. He is not losing money by retiring a few months early. The pension pot is still there I am confident.

All the rest is hot air. Not worth the time...

Reepy Rastardly Guy

Dustbin of history

13 Apr 07
19 May 14

It's almost like a death panel or something.


25 Jun 06
19 May 14

Originally posted by Sleepyguy
It's almost like a death panel or something.
You mean like waiting for an administrator in your insurance company to tell you what healthcare you will be allowed out of your policy?

Reepy Rastardly Guy

Dustbin of history

13 Apr 07
19 May 14
2 edits

Originally posted by finnegan
You mean like waiting for an administrator in your insurance company to tell you what healthcare you will be allowed out of your policy?
Well no, not really. The veterans CNN has been reporting on waited for months and months just to get an appointment for a diagnostic test like an endoscopy. I could probably get that procedure in the next week or two if my doctor said I needed it.

Now I suppose if the test came back positive and I needed care the insurance company could try to deny my coverage. But then I'd probably get a letter saying so, and I could argue with them about it, and/or enlist the help of one of the many patient advocate groups out there, and maybe I would succeed and maybe I wouldn't. But I would still have the benefit of knowing what the problem was, because I would have had the test, because I was able to get the appointment, because I was not on a secret government death list.



27 Oct 08
19 May 14

In the interest of sparking a debate, I would like to say that death is bad.


12 Jul 08
19 May 14

Originally posted by finnegan
You mean like waiting for an administrator in your insurance company to tell you what healthcare you will be allowed out of your policy?
With the option of choosing a company that has better results? When the government is involved you can't jump ship from a bad company. You are stuck with what the government tells you how things will be.

The big difference here is choice.