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Conditional Moves

Conditional Moves



Conditional moves are now finally available.

An additional option has been added to main board sidebar to access this feature.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Q&A thread after browsing the existing posts :

Thread 104192

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Nice one russ - I just spotted these while looking at a game.

I think it is time I set back out on the hardcore circuit again...

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I think one or two other chess sites have had this feature so its good if RHP gets it. I haven't used it on those other sites and I'll probably skip it here. Its nice to know the functionality exists anyway.

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Thank you.

3 edits
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Great! Many thanks! That was about the only reason for even playing sometimes on gameknot than here. Now I'm considering subscribing.

By the way, there's a typo on the pop-up "Con. move queue". It reads "This game has no queued condtional moves." and there's an "i" missing in "conditional".

Admin edit : Thanks, typo now fixed. [Russ]

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Awesome feature.

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Excellent feature! Saves a lot of trouble...

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I have been mostly impatiently waiting for this, Russ. It's awesome to finally get to see this in action, for all of the subscribers. Thank you, Russ.

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Dear Russ,
Please look into game gameid=5564374.
The last message "I'm 100% fine with a draw" was not put in by me.
But I did have conditional moves on quite a few games, maybe including
this one. Would that have allowed someone to take control of my move?
Could this be a bug or something?
Phani (phani27)

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please help.
I can click on the link to con.moves but all it says is I dont have any 🙁 please clarify how do I access this function?

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Originally posted by adalia bipunctata
please help.
I can click on the link to con.moves but all it says is I dont have any 🙁 please clarify how do I access this function?
Look up the list on the right and you will see 'conditional moves'.
Click on this to access the function.


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Hi Rene-claude
I still seem to have no access to this function. It appears on the left under urgent moves, and it appears on the right under analyze board but when I click on the function it just tells me I have no queued moves 🙁

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Originally posted by adalia bipunctata
Hi Rene-claude
I still seem to have no access to this function. It appears on the left under urgent moves, and it appears on the right under analyze board but when I click on the function it just tells me I have no queued moves 🙁
On the right of your game board is a list:-

Message your opponent
Flip board
Offer draw
Claim draw
Conditional moves
After move preference
Skip this game for now
Analyze board Game Log
Con. move queuePrint board

Between 'Resign' and 'Subscribe' you will see 'Conditional moves' - click on this

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Originally posted by Russ
Conditional moves are now finally available.
Excellent. I know folks were waiting for this. :-)

So, are we getting close now on bringing games explorer out of beta? I use it regularly, but I can't tell how often you are updating it, now.

Many, many thanks, Russ! :-)

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