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Large email outage

Large email outage


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We currently have a large email queue to clear due to software fault, but this will clear over the next 24 hours.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


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Timeouts have been suspended for 24hours+ to be considerate to those who depend on move notifications.


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Originally posted by Russ
Timeouts have been suspended for 24hours+ to be considerate to those who depend on move notifications.

Those people being the ones who log on to their emails to check if they have any moves waiting, when they could just as well go onto RHP and check if they have any moves?🙄😵😉

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Originally posted by Freddie2004
Those people being the ones who log on to their emails to check if they have any moves waiting, when they could just as well go onto RHP and check if they have any moves?🙄😵😉
Some people who work with computers for extended periods of time (who do not have to keep logging in to get emails) get instantly notified if they receive an email (hence know quickly when they have a game waiting).

You cannot do this otherwise, unless you have John Bartkiw's handy RHPTray application installed. 🙂

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That's insane...

Where was the 24 hour delay the last time I was timed-out?

I have tournament games from the same player who makes a single move each week and it is time to time them out finally - so the tournaments can move to round 2... And whola!

They get a lifeline.

That Sucks!

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Can you please write the TIME when the TIMEOUT facility will be available again?

Rather than sitting here all day checking for it to come online.

Seems a sneaky way of a win - but I just want to move onto Round 2 in the tournament.

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Originally posted by dickkyboy
That's insane...

Where was the 24 hour delay the last time I was timed-out?

I have tournament games from the same player who makes a single move each week and it is time to time them out finally - so the tournaments can move to round 2... And whola!

They get a lifeline.

That Sucks!
Was the email down the last time you got timed-out?

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I have it turned off. I know the games I play and when I will be due to move and move regularily and quick.

These games are 3/7 so just beause there is a move reminder on doesn't mean the people move in a reasonable time as the 7 has run out.

I have had the chance to claim the win on other occasions but let the game go in the hope the person would quicken up. This hasn't happened and I want them gone.

It xxxx me when a 3/7 game takes 3 months to complete!

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Just cause you don't use the email function doesn't mean other people don't. Yes its frustrating but you have to look at it from the other people who rely on the email function to tell them they have games waiting.

It's a feature the site offers and people use. If they get timed-out due to the fact that emails were not sent to inform them that they have games, there would be a lot of angry people sending a lot of complaints to Russ.

Can't please everyone all of the time.

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The queue has largely cleared now, with just a few exceptions.


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Originally posted by dickkyboy
I have tournament games from the same player who makes a single move each week and it is time to time them out finally - so the tournaments can move to round 2...
If they only made 1 move a week, their timebank would have run out ages ago. Also, if they only moved once a week, they would have been auto t/o'd on multiple occasions every time they hadn't moved for 5 days.


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Queue has now cleared in its entirety. Thankfully.

Now to clear all the 'hey, I am getting move notifications when it is not my move anymore' feedback emails. :'(


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Originally posted by Russ
Now to clear all the 'hey, I am getting move notifications when it is not my move anymore' feedback emails. :'(
You need a news ticker on my games page...


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Originally posted by Russ
Queue has now cleared in its entirety. Thankfully.

Now to clear all the 'hey, I am getting move notifications when it is not my move anymore' feedback emails. :'(

I got twenty odd notifications and I'm only playing 6 games, haha.

It's ok not having notifications if thats how you like it but, only when you know beforehand that you ain't gonna get 'em.

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