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Scheduled outage 15th Feb 23 @ 7:00 UTC approx [completed]

Scheduled outage 15th Feb 23 @ 7:00 UTC approx [completed]


1 edit

An urgent database upgrade will be taking place tomorrow AM. This will result in a short outage.

During this outage, progress will be reported on Twitter.

If the outage should extend beyond 30 minutes, a timeout suspension will be in place for 24 hours.



Thanks for the heads up.

2 edits

This work has now been completed.

Timeouts will be suspended for 24 hours as the outage exceeded 30 minutes.



Welcome back. πŸ˜€


2 days later I still can't timeout this guy who avoided the game.


Yup still waiting for the 24 hours to be up here too, it's a stupid rule anyway. What difference does make 24 hours make for opponents that don't move for three weeks?


@dinc168 It’s easier than having to program timeouts for some games and not for others. There very well could be people who had the time to play but couldn’t because of the site outage. It’s just a nice, fair thing to do.

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Heading into day 3 now...



Apologies for the delay in reinstating timeouts - this was switched back on overnight without ceremony.

Human error - mine! 😳

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