After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who accepted all of my challenges without question,Yroyathon of Chess whisperers, Silverstriker of Dangermouse , Smiffy of , er Smiffy's and Short circuit of Metallica with whom I've had fruitful conversations over the years.
Apologies to anyone I've forgotten.
I hope the clan challenge system get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
Originally posted by vendaAll the best to you.
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
Originally posted by vendaDave, I wish you well in your time of leisure.
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
We have enjoyed many discussions during our time as leaders.
While we didn't always agree, we both understood where the other was coming from.
And, we came up with some pretty good clan challenges.
With the inmates overrunning the asylum these days,
the asylum may not be standing for much longer.
Originally posted by vendayou ran a good clan
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
you will still be playing clan games?
all the best
Originally posted by vendavenda,
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
We haven't always agreed, but wish you all the best. There may not be a clan challenge system for much longer.
Originally posted by vendaWe have never had a discussion but I always find your comments in various threads to be worth reading.
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
Are you staying a subscriber or letting your sub expire like I did?
Originally posted by carystoverI'll still subscribe to play clan games and to have more than 6 ongoing games and thanks for the comment.
We have never had a discussion but I always find your comments in various threads to be worth reading.
Are you staying a subscriber or letting your sub expire like I did?
Once again Dave, many thanks for all the time and effort you put into the clan, it was a thankless task to run it all those years, and keep this beast of a spreadsheet up to date, it has certainly made my job easier! 🙂
I haven't been paying all that much attention to the clan forums... All I can say to other clan leaders is don't forget to enjoy it!
That's what it's all about, a good contest that people can play along and have fun doing so... it shouldn't be ruined by certain begrudging, petty individuals who think that "beating the system" and outscoring all other clans is more enjoyable than the game itself.... shameful.
The local pool league I used to play in got dismantled because politics took over, was really sad to see it go, perhaps it is human nature?
Maybe Russ' changes to the system might appease some of the bad apples, let's wait and see.
Until then, ah wish tha's allt' best 🙂
I'll sithee,
Originally posted by vendaGood Luck, Dave, and thanks for the challenging play.
After 5 and a bit years as leader of the Yorkshire Laikers I have decided it's time for a change.
The captaincy has been handed over to 64squaresofpain aka Zak.
I'm relying on other leaders to accord him the same respect as most of you have to me over the years.(I.e no stupidly biased challenges please)
Particular thanks to Flipperwaldt of freethinkers who ...[text shortened]... stem get's sorted out and I'll still be around to play challenges for the Laikers when selected.
I'll remember you as a fair and active clan leader, an asset to the Clan system here at RHP.