Red Headed Stranger - Willie
Cherokee Mist - Jimi Hendrix
Down in the Valley - Otis Redding...not like down in the valley I ever heard.
Shaker - Yo La Tengo
Don't ask me questions - Graham times he out bruced Bruce...ain't no answerin' me.
Astronomy Domine - Pink Floyd
Mojo Pin - Jeff Buckley
Come Sunday - Duke Ellington...This is one awesome song,I'm telling you.
Oney - Johnny Cash
Story of a Quarryman - Joe Bonamassa
9:45 - Mieka Pauley.. I like Mieka Pauley, so sue me.
Drug Test - Yo La Tengo...they got a little Velvet U in them. Not much, but some.
What's Goin On = Dirty Dozen Brass Band. 2009 release and one of the best jazz recordings of the year. The DDBZ doin' a Marvin tribute.
Originally posted by r99pawn77good guess, but no, Im afraid it isn't the case.
note to Generalissimo:
I assume the handle is from the SNL skit?
Did you know there is a wiki article on the thing? ---
short clip of SNL skit on You Tube:
my pseudonym is totally unrelated to franco.
can't believe they even have an article on that.