Not sure whether this should go in debate forum or not coz it aint about politics but meh.
I'm studying Fahrenheit 451 by Ray bradbury.
If you've read teh book you'd know what im talking about
But regardless knowledge vs ignorance is a good discussion i believe
so... pro and con for each knowledge and ignorance
Pro: Gives an advantage on any given event
Con: Can bring realisation of "unhappy things"
Pro: Don't have to be smart to get a joke...can laugh at anything
Con: Gives people the advantage on any given event (deja vu lol)
All I know is that I don't know (Socrates according to Platon)
To put a philsosphical point forward: We are always ignorant about nearly everything.
Then a question: Is there a differnece between wisdom and knowledge?
And one to think about: The pesrons with the best knowledge from about 110 years ago, would they still count as knowledgeable? (no relativity, no radioactivity, no computer, no Gödel imcompleteness therome, quite fuzzy knowledge about neurobiology,...)
Originally posted by BonfaScientia potentia est.
Not sure whether this should go in debate forum or not coz it aint about politics but meh.
I'm studying Fahrenheit 451 by Ray bradbury.
If you've read teh book you'd know what im talking about
But regardless knowledge vs ignorance is a good discussion i believe
so... pro and con for each knowledge and ignorance
Pro: Gives an advantage ...[text shortened]... ...can laugh at anything
Con: Gives people the advantage on any given event (deja vu lol)