26 Feb 09
Originally posted by Traveling AgainSo Thom Yorke is Jesus and the world consists of true listeners and those who can or will not listen.
I'm positive that if you've listened to Radiohead -- and I mean really listened to them -- you will agree that that are the most incredible band recording music today. "In Rainbows" -- one of the best albums ever made. "Kid A" -- incredible. "Hail to the Thief" ... etc etc etc etc.
I find Radiohead a bore, especially since HTTF, although you'll have to take me at my word when I say I have really, really listened. Give me The Fall anytime (you don't have to take him, er, them). Give me The Angels of Light.
Do you also like Coldplay? Another band that seems to polarise people. Like Jesus, they should be crucified for stirring up dissent amongst the lumpen masses.
Originally posted by Traveling AgainOne of the most overrated artists of the past years.
I'm positive that if you've listened to Radiohead -- and I mean really listened to them -- you will agree that that are the most incredible band recording music today. "In Rainbows" -- one of the best albums ever made. "Kid A" -- incredible. "Hail to the Thief" ... etc etc etc etc.
As your post clearly shows.
Originally posted by Traveling AgainHyperbole wll get you nowhere, especially terms like "most incredible". I agree, Radiohead are on of the more enjoyable mainstream rock bands out there but I don't find their albums particularly lasting, in my opinion. Usually after a couple listens, I'm already bored.
I'm positive that if you've listened to Radiohead -- and I mean really listened to them -- you will agree that that are the most incredible band recording music today. "In Rainbows" -- one of the best albums ever made. "Kid A" -- incredible. "Hail to the Thief" ... etc etc etc etc.
Originally posted by darvlaylulz
Hyperbole wll get you nowhere, especially terms like "most incredible". I agree, Radiohead are on of the more enjoyable mainstream rock bands out there but I don't find their albums particularly lasting, in my opinion. Usually after a couple listens, I'm already bored.
Originally posted by Traveling Againi can see how people both like them and hate them. personally they're one of my favorite bands but you've seriously overrating in rainbows, i like it but it's not their best. none of their albums rank close to the bends imo.
I'm positive that if you've listened to Radiohead -- and I mean really listened to them -- you will agree that that are the most incredible band recording music today. "In Rainbows" -- one of the best albums ever made. "Kid A" -- incredible. "Hail to the Thief" ... etc etc etc etc.
Originally posted by Traveling AgainAre you the same guy that said the smashing pumpkins was the best band ever?
I'm positive that if you've listened to Radiohead -- and I mean really listened to them -- you will agree that that are the most incredible band recording music today. "In Rainbows" -- one of the best albums ever made. "Kid A" -- incredible. "Hail to the Thief" ... etc etc etc etc.