Originally posted by bill718I don't think that's going to happen outside of special projects. There was a documentary about them on the telly some time ago, and it was obvious that, even though the real differences have waned a great deal over time, they're all just too big personalities to work together succesfully for a long period. After a while, they'd be bound to clash again.
Waters did a fine job on The Wall. I just wish he and the rest of Pink Floyd could sink there differences and get back together.😕
Originally posted by bill718I there was a chance they'd produce some interesting music by getting back together, then I'd be for it. But if they're just going to be propped up on stage with formaldehyde pumped into their veins so they can play 'The Wall' over and over for all eternity, then forget it.
Waters did a fine job on The Wall. I just wish he and the rest of Pink Floyd could sink there differences and get back together.😕