@metal-brain said🚨🚧Moronity of MB alert; fuelled with a desperate attempt at humor, but failing at the first word!!!🚧🚨
Wildgrass logic.
After all, dead people will never get covid again.
Damn, you’re the sort of tragedy Shakespeare wrote plays about.
@shavixmir saidMidsummer Nights Dream or Much Ado About Nothing
🚨🚧Moronity of MB alert; fuelled with a desperate attempt at humor, but failing at the first word!!!🚧🚨
Damn, you’re the sort of tragedy Shakespeare wrote plays about.
( I know they’re comedies but hey )
@shavixmir saidThat is the type of statistics covidiots embrace. After all, it is true. Shooting people in the head cures cancer too. After all, they will never get cancer. You cannot argue with that fact right?
🚨🚧Moronity of MB alert; fuelled with a desperate attempt at humor, but failing at the first word!!!🚧🚨
Damn, you’re the sort of tragedy Shakespeare wrote plays about.
Statistics can be misleading.
@metal-brain saidYou’re obviously misled.
That is the type of statistics covidiots embrace. After all, it is true. Shooting people in the head cures cancer too. After all, they will never get cancer. You cannot argue with that fact right?
Statistics can be misleading.
And I’m pretty sure it’s down to more than just statistics.
@shavixmir saidNope.
You’re obviously misled.
And I’m pretty sure it’s down to more than just statistics.
My statistic is correct, but for the wrong reason. Same as covidiot statistics.
Trust the Science? CDC Counts People Who Died Within 14 Days of Jab as “Unvaccinated”.
Covidiot statistics. If you die from the gene vaccine within 14 days you are counted as an unvaccinated death. If you go by their covidiot statistics unvaccinated people are more likely to die than the unvaccinated.
Lying with corrupt statistics is not something new. Some people just condone lying with statistics because of political bias.
@metal-brain saidYep statistics get manipulated every day!
If you go by their covidiot statistics unvaccinated people are more likely to die than the unvaccinated.
@kmax87 saidIn this case it is the data that is manipulated. That makes all of the statistics that use that data a lie. Statistics are only as good as the data they use.
Yep statistics get manipulated every day!
When the 80% of people that die from the gene vaccine within 14 days are counted as being unvaccinated you not only hide 80% of the deaths caused be the gene vaccine, you also shift those deaths to the unvaccinated count of deaths even though they got the gene jab.
Nobody should condone that, not even democrats. It should be condemned by everyone. Don't be a covidiot!
So your analysis says 800,000+ did NOT die from Covid, so what is YOUR number?
@metal-brain saidAnother interesting
Wildgrass logic.
After all, dead people will never get covid again.
and informative post by, the brain.
@metal-brain saidSeriously folks, Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican,
Wildgrass logic.
After all, dead people will never get covid again.
tells us that mouthwash will cure COVID.
@sonhouse saidI never said that.
So your analysis says 800,000+ did NOT die from Covid, so what is YOUR number?
What are you talking about?