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A GOP Split?

A GOP Split?



As the GOP continues it's efforts to find a speaker to replace John Boehner, it's becoming clear neither the Tea party nor the GOP moderates will accept a speaker from the "other side". I wonder if it's time for the GOP to admit they are now two different political parties, and split would be best for everyone concerned?.



The GOP has been two political parties for my entire lifetime. There are the true Americans and the super rich who just want lower taxes but still big government.


Originally posted by Eladar
The GOP has been two political parties for my entire lifetime. There are the true Americans and the super rich who just want lower taxes but still big government.
Ain't that the truth, but the Democratic party is two as well, as defined by Clinton and Sanders.


The difference between the Republicans and Dems is that all Dems vote in lock step.


Originally posted by Eladar
The difference between the Republicans and Dems is that all Dems vote in lock step.
Most of the time that's true. The Clinton wing of that party is very similar to the R majority.


I guess by Clinton wing you mean the establishment types. I guess the establishment types of the Republican party could be called the Bush wing.


Originally posted by Eladar
I guess by Clinton wing you mean the establishment types. I guess the establishment types of the Republican party could be called the Bush wing.
Yup. The other wind is the hard left, socialists, and the Tea Party.


Originally posted by Eladar
The difference between the Republicans and Dems is that all Dems vote in lock step.
...while the Teabaggers walk in goose step.

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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
...while the Teabaggers walk in goose step.
The secret way to win all political arguments.
Democrats discovered it 50 years ago, ignore the issues and just call the Republicans racist ,right wing ,Nazi, etc. and watch the masses buy it.
Same technique is used here by The Usual Suspects, just insult everyone and ignore responding to the subject they brought up.

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Originally posted by Eladar
The GOP has been two political parties for my entire lifetime. There are the true Americans and the super rich who just want lower taxes but still big government.
The entire government is run by the rich corporate elite, always have been for some time now.

To think they will bow so low as our level is unthinkable.

They are currently just trying to do damage control and get the masses to think they still represent them on some level.

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And Repulicans want to decimate government so they don't have to deal with the suffering of poor people.'Let them eat cake if they are starving, I don't give a damn' is their mantra.
"As long as my pac money keeps coming in, I'll vote for the rich every time'.

I suppose you forgot that line that Bush Jr said to one political money raising event:
To a meeting of oil men, he said, and I quote "There are the haves and there are the have more's. You are my base!"

If that doesn't say the Republican mantra I don't know what does.

Another thing Republicans do well is hypocrisy. For instance, Bush Jr. gave big business a little boost of 750 billion dollars, not a peep out of the Republicans.

But when Obama did the same, now Obama is a pariah, a known muslim, a lover of Isis, a hater of Israel.

But there is another fact going on here. The money Obama gave was with full accounting.

The money Bush Jr gave away had ZERO accountability and about half of that money just disappeared down the drain of someone's golden diamond parachute. I wonder how much political good will you can buy for 400 billion dollars? Quite a bit, as Bush Jr got re-elected, with a bit of sneaky assed help from his Bro in Florida. Cut off just enough of those wicked Democratic votes so we can win. A shameful event in the history of the US.

Oh, also, don't forget Bush Sr, going in to stop Saddam, and he did NOT enter Iraq. But Bush Jr, decides he is going to finish the job daddy refused to do, neglecting the part where Bush Sr. was absolutely correct, so Bush Jr goes in and kills Saddam. Well you can see how well THAT turned out. Or maybe you can't, even worse.

Republicans are like Rotweilers, gnawing on the email issue of Clinton like it was holy water. They can't find anything but the email issue and Bengazi so they stick to that like glue.

Republicans are hypocrites and in my opinion just want an abrogation of responsibility. They could care less about the poor, the homeless, the helpless, let those bastards just die so we don't have to deal with them, their mantra.


Originally posted by sonhouse
And Repulicans want to decimate government so they don't have to deal with the suffering of poor people.'Let them eat cake if they are starving, I don't give a damn' is their mantra.
"As long as my pac money keeps coming in, I'll vote for the rich every time'.

I suppose you forgot that line that Bush Jr said to one political money raising event:
To a ...[text shortened]... more's. You are my base!"

If that doesn't say the Republican mantra I don't know what does.
And Democrats want to keep funneling money , food debit cards, free housing, medical care and cell phones to the poor people so they can stay in power and pretend they are doing it because they care. .

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Originally posted by FishHead111
And Democrats want to keep funneling money , food debit cards, free housing, medical care and cell phones to the poor people so they can stay in power and pretend they are doing it because they care. .
If I had my way, I would eliminate both parties and substitute a different kind of democratic society: No vote. Mayors, senators, representatives, presidents and so forth, now put in office by lottery.

So people in the US, have to be US citizens over 21, NOBODY has bought them out, and I think any random assortment of individuals can do just as good a job at governess than all the elected asssholes in DC. I say they could do it much better, not being beholden to lobbyists and Pac money.

Hey, Joe the plumber, you are now a senator, Bobby noogey, you are now a representative from Vermont, you, Danielle Richey, you are now president.

Tell me they would be worse than what we have now?


Originally posted by sonhouse
If I had my way, I would eliminate both parties and substitute a different kind of democratic society: No vote. Mayors, senators, representatives, presidents and so forth, now put in office by lottery.

So people in the US, have to be US citizens over 21, NOBODY has bought them out, and I think any random assortment of individuals can do just as good a jo ...[text shortened]... u, Danielle Richey, you are now president.

Tell me they would be worse than what we have now?
Better hope none of these people win that lottery you envision and become senators, etc.


Originally posted by normbenign
Yup. The other wind is the hard left, socialists, and the Tea Party.
Socialists... In the democratic party...

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