And "why I am proud to be a Utahn"....
And... the terrible "right" news...,1249,600127256,00.html
My. Ain't they a bunch of nazi's? That is just such biases reporting. <snark>
And... Don't waste your time. This next is an apology for all you "mind-wiped" libs.
And just to prove the "hate america" theory... got to love those dumb blondes... errrr... sorry. Nazi's.......
Note: Mind wiped should NOT view this:
And here is the giant retutiation of all conservative thought?
Yea. That is about what pseudo's can do.
And here is a real teaser... Are you sure?
You can translate the above to: "We pseudo libs really have no clue.Help!!"
The punch line? Humor... Think "Democrtatic 'think tank'" If that don't light a fire in yer' humor belfry.... nothing will.
"Another difference between liberal and conservative foundation funding of think tanks is their willingness to be partisan. On the left, foundations are primarily concerned with funding research that appears neutral; on the right, foundations prefer to fund ideological research. Notably, researchers at the Brookings Institutions tend to have more academic experience and researchers at Heritage tend to have more political experience; Brookings spends most of its budget on research, while Heritage has a substantial budget for media and government relations. Consequently, conservative think tanks are better able to be "major players in the war of ideas."
Yes, thanks for that, that confirms what I'd always suspected.
Originally posted by AmauroteYes, the old man has a tendency to post things without reading them first. I love when he tried laying down the Phillip Curve smack in a thread a while back. He needed some right-wing economics quick, so he dashed off to the trusty CATO Institute, found a page that said something about the Phillips Curve, and slammed it down with great satisfaction. Naturally, the literate among us (apparently everyone but the old man) read the short article to discover that it was a complete indictment of the Phillips Curve.
"Another difference between liberal and conservative foundation funding of think tanks is their willingness to be partisan. On the left, foundations are primarily concerned with funding research that appears neutral; on the right, foundations prefer to fund ideological research. Notably, researchers at the Brookings Institutions tend to have more academic ...[text shortened]... layers in the war of ideas."
Yes, thanks for that, that confirms what I'd always suspected.
Duh . . . old man. The Phillips Curve. Sheesh.
Originally posted by telerionI love it. Two libs go on about their "expanded" minds and give no examples of liberal "think tanks". I wonder why. Ever read an intellectual Idea from a "liberal" think tank? One example will shoot me down. Good luck. Go find anything that isn't just a "hate" rant.
Yes, the old man has a tendency to post things without reading them first. I love when he tried laying down the Phillip Curve smack in a thread a while back. He needed some right-wing economics quick, so he dashed off to the trusty CATO Institute, found a page that said something about the Phillips Curve, and slammed it down with great satisfaction. Natu ...[text shortened]... complete indictment of the Phillips Curve.
Duh . . . old man. The Phillips Curve. Sheesh.
svw grins... seeing these two fools tied up for months looking for a liberal "thought" that isn't just an anti-rant.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyWow. You think the Phillips Curve came from a conservative think tank. You are an idiot.
I love it. Two libs go on about their "expanded" minds and give no examples of liberal "think tanks". I wonder why. Ever read an intellectual Idea from a "liberal" think tank? One example will shoot me down. Good luck. Go find anything that isn't just a "hate" rant.
svw grins... seeing these two fools tied up for months looking for a liberal "thought" that isn't just an anti-rant.
Actually, since all the major research universities tend to be liberal, I'd say nearly all economics has come from liberal 'think tanks.' Even the U of Chicago looks like a Greenpeace convention compared to the CATO Institute.