They are neck and neck. I've always heard people
claiming that the latter sucks (though I've never felt
this way). Of the 86 people who voted, they are currently
tied (with an average score of 6.80). The Empire Strikes
Back, which is usually deemed the best of the lot, only has
a small lead on those other two, with an average score of
How do you explain this?
Originally posted by nemesioOk. I bight. What the hell is a new hope?
They are neck and neck. I've always heard people
claiming that the latter sucks (though I've never felt
this way). Of the 86 people who voted, they are currently
tied (with an average score of 6.80). The Empire Strikes
Back, which ...[text shortened]... an average score of
How do you explain this?
I know the Jedi. But what is a new hope?
Originally posted by StarValleyWyEpisode 4, Star Wars: A New Hope.
Ok. I bight. What the hell is a new hope?
I know the Jedi. But what is a new hope?
Back in 1981, Lucas changed the name of
'Star Wars' to 'A New Hope' so that he could
call all of the movies 'Star War: xxx yyy.'
It has taken on somewhat of a following,
just for clarity. (ANH, TESB, ROTJ, being
the common acronyms for the 4th, 5th, and
6th installments).
Originally posted by nemesioOk. Better. Never seen the new batch yet. I ain't that much of a geek!
Episode 4, Star Wars: A New Hope.
Back in 1981, Lucas changed the name of
'Star Wars' to 'A New Hope' so that he could
call all of the movies 'Star War: xxx yyy.'
It has taken on somewhat of a following,
just for clarity. (A ...[text shortened]... mmon acronyms for the 4th, 5th, and
6th installments).
I used to be. But they lost their charm when they failed to be about hero's.
<edit> To explain. The bad guys take on an equal role. That ain't good for civilization. As per Iraq. We have a billion people who think that the quote "insurgents" are justified in killin babies. Sad. I can't stand that point of view. I need hero's.
All I want in a myth is a hero.
Not a true to life "bad bunch" of politicians.
Self proclaimed Star Wars geek that I am, I will attempt to explain without boring everyone....oops, too late:
Ahem....Episdoes 4, for most of us, set up everything. I thought the storyline was promising but not really fine tuned. For me, I cared about the characters and the effects were just really cool "eye candy" that went along with it. Darth Vader was born and, in my opinion, so was the greatest movie villain every created.
Episode 5, the voting speaks for itself. It hummed along like a fine tuned more needs to be said.
Episode 6, I think started strong but started down the slippery slope with the introduction and victory of the Ewoks. That launched into the miserable failures of the current Episodes 1,2, and most likely 3.
Originally posted by Joe FistOk.
Self proclaimed Star Wars geek that I am, I will attempt to explain without boring everyone....oops, too late:
Ahem....Episdoes 4, for most of us, set up everything. I thought the storyline was promising but not really fine tuned. For me, I cared about the characters and the effects were just really cool "eye candy" that went along with it. Darth Va ...[text shortened]... woks. That launched into the miserable failures of the current Episodes 1,2, and most likely 3.
I still want for a hero.
Not an anti-hero.
Why did they set up a hero just to make him into a villain?
To show us what?
That we are all fallen?
Proves nothing to me. All heroic content should be heroic. Not anti-heroic. We get enough of that in daily life.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyActually, going in the chronological order of the movies, you eventually get your "hero". All of the movies now seem to be focused on the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. The next one is Episode 3 and we know how the rest of the stories go.
I still want for a hero.
Not an anti-hero.
Why did they set up a hero just to make him into a villain?
To show us what?
That we are all fallen?
Proves nothing to me. All heroic content should be heroic. Not anti-heroic. We get enough of that in daily life.
It's good to look for heroes I suppose but I think the Triology isn't the place for them. I don't think I exceptionally demented or anything (not more than most anyway) but Vader was my "hero". I think a lot of people feel the same way.
Originally posted by Joe FistOh, I beg to disagree!
Episode 6, I think started strong but started down the slippery slope with the introduction and victory of the Ewoks. That launched into the miserable failures of the current Episodes 1,2, and most likely 3.
ESB was excellent, but it was built on the succes of the first one, with a higher budget etc.
In that respect, ANH still remains top of the bill for me.
As for ROTJ...the ewoks were originally supposed to be wookies. BUT...if they had been, the emperor would NEVER have underestimated them, the way he did with the cuddly teddy bears.
And in that respect, it is poetic that such simpletons should be the cause for such a major fall of an empire.
I liked AOTC by the way (except for the 3PO head swapping thing then).
Originally posted by shavixmirESB was excellent, but it was built on the succes of the first one, with a higher budget etc.
Oh, I beg to disagree!
ESB was excellent, but it was built on the succes of the first one, with a higher budget etc.
In that respect, ANH still remains top of the bill for me.
As for ROTJ...the ewoks were originally supposed to b ...[text shortened]... ked AOTC by the way (except for the 3PO head swapping thing then).
Right which is also why for me it was a fine tuned machine. I really like ANH but I just think Empire hit everybody's stride and for me, it had very little to do with the better budget and effects. The writing and character development was so much stronger.
As for ROTJ...the ewoks were originally supposed to be wookies. BUT...if they had been, the emperor would NEVER have underestimated them, the way he did with the cuddly tedd ...[text shortened]... or fall of an empire.
I have also heard that they were supposed to be Wookies instead of Ewoks in ROTJ. That would have been much more believable. I disagree that the Emperor would have felt any different about them if they were and still would have underestimated them. I also disagree about the "poetic justice" of it all. The fight on Endor should have been the equivilent of foot soldiers during the Middle Ages going against today's troops in Iraq. Despite how inept the stormtroopers were, they should have been cooking Ewoks over an open fire. I'm all for an underdog but I just want a realistic one, not this.
I liked AOTC by the way (except for the 3PO head swapping thing then).
As I have said time and time again, Episode 1 and 2 for me are beyond unwatchable. They are not even consistent with 4-5-6. Lucas has lost his ability to tell the story and is much more interested in merchandising. Will I watch 3? Sure. I've bought in like a crack addict and need to get my one last fix. 🙂
You can tell you guys are complete nerds.
Arguing whether ewoks or wookies would make more "believable" opponents in ROTJ when the whole sci-fi concept requires a complete suspension of belief?
In any case, you haven't paid attention to the story, the ewoks didn't "win" the battle.
Originally posted by MayharmOkay,
You can tell you guys are complete nerds.
Arguing whether ewoks or wookies would make more "believable" opponents in ROTJ when the whole sci-fi concept requires a complete suspension of belief?
In any case, you haven't paid attention to the story, the ewoks didn't "win" the battle.
So if we are complete "nerds" and you have some different theory as to who won the fight on Endor, why don't you enlighten us?
The common belief is that the Ewoks (and yes furry dwarfs beating the Empire with logs and rocks was unbelieveable) assisted the Rebels in taking control of the base on Endor. If you have an alternate belief, I guess that makes you the "ubernerd"
Originally posted by MayharmNot at all. There is nothing in the star wars films that is not believed to be true by some people, or has the potential for scientific realisation. It may be just a matter of time and research. Though the genre may be called science-'fiction', this name comes from a time when science was a lot more primitive, we had only just worked out how to build an atomic bomb. Nowadays, there are theories and research which suggests star wars is not a complete suspension of beliefs. Besides, people still believe in god and there's plenty of debate over it...
You can tell you guys are complete nerds.
Arguing whether ewoks or wookies would make more "believable" opponents in ROTJ when the whole sci-fi concept requires a complete suspension of belief?
In any case, you haven't paid attention to the story, the ewoks didn't "win" the battle.
However, the Ewoks would have bit the big one irl, wookies on the other hand are formidable opponents, especially in their own environment and would have kicked imperial butt 🙂
Originally posted by Joe FistAh so you did watch the film then 🙂 This is what I was looking for:
So if we are complete "nerds" and you have some different theory as to who won the fight on Endor, why don't you enlighten us?
The common belief is that the Ewoks (and yes furry dwarfs beating the Empire with logs and rocks was unbelieveable) assisted the Rebels in taking control of the base on Endor. If you have an alternate belief, I guess that makes you the "ubernerd"
"assisted the Rebels in taking control of the base on Endor"
That's right, whether or not they were ewoks or wookies the stormies would've eventually toasted them, but the battle was actually won by the rebels being freed, an AT-ST being captured by one hero character and the base commander being conned by another hero character. The ewoks, though they scored some success, were just a distraction.
It's perfectly believeable that the ewoks could knock some stormies unconscious with rocks or strangle them with bolas, your own history should be enough proof for that. Ropes between trees and lassoos make even more sense for the speederbikes than the same tricks do for horse-riders in westerns.
Tree-traps...well ok, those are a bit too "conveniant".
None of that won the battle though, so what's the problem?