20 Jul 23
@mchill saidWell, well, well...
I found this rather interesting-
Candace Owens is a right-wing extremist: anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-BLM, pro-trump, etc.
So, everything she says here has to be put into a proper context, or it's just right-wing extremism being pushed by an anti-Marxist black puppet.
Yes. Slavery has existed for a long bloody time.
Yes. It was considered normal for millennia.
Yes. It was "white" people who first abolished slavery... but why?
It has to do with the Enlightenment. Things changed. And where did they change first? Europe. And that's to do with the wars, science, art, a step away from religion, etc. So, Europe started banning slavery and the rest of the world followed. It had to do with politics and philosophy, nothing to do with being white.
And, as a matter of fact, France first banned slavery in the 14th century, but it carried on in the colonies.
Yes. There is modern day slavery. But it's not just in Africa. There's modern slavery in the US: sex trafficking, child (sex) labour, unpaid labour, etc.
And there are a hell of a lot of white people making loads of money out of that too.
So, yes, she makes some points, but they're so tainted, that I'm surprised you're peddling this video.
@mchill saidLook at the framing of each section of the video:
I found this rather interesting-
"White men didn't invent slavery"
"White men were the first to abolish slavery"
"Non-whites practice slavery"
Notice a theme? The goal is to downplay the role whites had in slavery. Not surprising from a woman who said white supremacy is not a problem blacks face.
Owens actually said that.
She's right that slavery is a tragic part of human history. But oppression from white nations didn't end with slavery. Non-white races weren't suddenly treated equally. The legacy of slavery continued through racist laws and practices.
France forced Haiti to pay reparations for the profits lost after Haiti successfully revolted against slave owners. That crippled Haiti's economy for many decades. So on and so forth with Africa, the rest of the Caribbean, South America, etc.
Whites are not more evil than any other race; but the history of oppression from white nations is the single biggest factor for the poverty suffered by former colonies. The scale and scope of western oppression is the widest reaching out of any ex-slave owners in human history; that's just a fact.
This video commits a grave disservice to historical accuracy by taking a "whataboutism" approach. Still, the history of slavery committed by non-white races doesn't get talked about enough, and that's one thing the video gets right.
20 Jul 23
@shavixmir saidI'm surprised you're peddling this video.
Well, well, well...
Candace Owens is a right-wing extremist: anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-BLM, pro-trump, etc.
So, everything she says here has to be put into a proper context, or it's just right-wing extremism being pushed by an anti-Marxist black puppet.
Yes. Slavery has existed for a long bloody time.
Yes. It was considered normal for millennia.
Yes. It was ...[text shortened]... , yes, she makes some points, but they're so tainted, that I'm surprised you're peddling this video.
I'm not "peddling" anything. Just thought a change from the partisan political bickering might be refreshing.
@mchill saidA video from well-known right wing propagandists about an incendiary political topic.
I'm surprised you're peddling this video.
I'm not "peddling" anything. Just thought a change from the partisan political bickering might be refreshing.
A refreshing change.