@catpower25 saidI would imagine that attitude is largely due to there being a border in the first place.
I would not like to see a united Ireland, when asked how far is it to the border most Dubliners would reply not far enough.
I’m sure most people on both sides of the border would like to see it dismantled, not all, but certainly most.
@kevcvs57 saidyes you are right,it was meant as a joke,i reckon the older people would like to keep the status quo, but the under 40s not so much.
I would imagine that attitude is largely due to there being a border in the first place.
I’m sure most people on both sides of the border would like to see it dismantled, not all, but certainly most.
@shavixmir saidHm, I'm pretty sure Paisley's style of papist-hating has more to do with the Scots kirklets than with Cantaburgian catholicism.
Until you realise that a united Ireland means having hard core protestant fanatics in your midsts.
The Ian Paisleys of this world.
England created a monster. Best let them deal with it.
@shavixmir saidYes true 15th century England started it that’s why we cannot end it. Only the 21st century Irish can but before you take you clean Scottish hands to the hot air machine.
Until you realise that a united Ireland means having hard core protestant fanatics in your midsts.
The Ian Paisleys of this world.
England created a monster. Best let them deal with it.
You’d better check out the east Belfast phone book, lots of Macs in it. Paisley, now where is that name from. 🤔
The only city in the UK with any real support for unionists and their paramilitaries is Glasgow, check out any old firm match and you’ll see the troubles at a football game.