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Absolute Truth And Terri Shiavo

Absolute Truth And Terri Shiavo




26 Jan 03
24 Mar 05
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What can we learn form this mess?

Well. A couple of things. We learn that bbarr is a true liberal.

We can also learn that pain is very personal and unrelenting to a parent.

We can learn that nobody knows how a person has a "heart attack" and collapses so hard as to break her back, several ribs and her leg.

That is one hell of a fall from five foot four inches.

We can learn that no matter the intent of good people, we always cause a rift when some see a human on machines as a commodity.

The commodity in question is the currency of deterministic life. If we can just get rid of a "veggie" then what is wrong with killing real kids? They aren't "conscious". They are only a thousandth of an inch long.

Potential is the thing of rational beings. Who cares? We pride ourselves on our "imagination" and give "emmys'" and 'Nobels' to our most inventive. Yet they were born. Before that thay only had potential.

What right do I have? Me. A good atheist... to judge the potential of any zygote?

I was one. So were you. Can you know it's worth? Any of their worth?

Is it ok to kill that potential on a whim?

Poor Teri. She got caught in the mess of politics and the liberal need to kill kids.

Sorry Teri. You are on your own.

The good news is that it doesn't really matter. We are all right behind you. See you there?

Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
24 Mar 05
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18 Apr 04
24 Mar 05
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I don't really think the Terri Schiavo case is any of my business. The voyeuristic aspects make me uncomfortable. There are other aspects that trouble me in a fundamental way. It troubles me that this woman now has no privacy. What gives the press the right to make money splashing pictures of her drooling, idiot face all over the world? Where are the pictures of her as a healthy, vibrant woman? For however long she is remembered by those who never knew her when she was whole, she will be remember as a drooling, puffy, idiotic face. If it is true that her husband has lived with another woman for quite some time and even fathered children with that woman then I think he has effectively negated any rights he might have once had as a husband. Perhaps her parents and siblings have also negated their rights. It troubles me that journalists, politicians, lawyers, doctors, ministers and others are padding their reputations, and their bank accounts, at this woman's expense. She has become a cottage industry, a commodity, an entertainment, another tawdry freak show and that is all incredibly sad. And saddest of all is the fact that she now seems to have only two options, starve to death or continue as she is, and it will all happen in public.

Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
24 Mar 05
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18 Apr 04
24 Mar 05
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Del - it's a tough one indeed. I didn't think I'd ever hear you refer to Terry Schiavo as a "drooling idiot" - but I think you're right about the fact that she's being used by George BUsh and Tom Delay and the entire Right To Life movement, and I think that's sick. Your point with regard to the husband - the guy wanted to have kids and I guess ...[text shortened]... but because of all the weasels, rats and cannibals trying to make a buck, a point, or a stand.
SQ, she is being used by the left as well as the right. Don't try to turn my statement into a Bush bashing. And remember, we are included among the "weasels, rats and cannibals trying to make a buck, a point, or a stand."


03 Dec 03
24 Mar 05
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Originally posted by Delmer
I don't really think the Terri Schiavo case is any of my business. The voyeuristic aspects make me uncomfortable. There are other aspects that trouble me in a fundamental way. It troubles me that this woman now has no privacy. What gives the press the right to make money splashing pictures of her drooling, idiot face all over the world? Where are the picture ...[text shortened]... e only two options, starve to death or continue as she is, and it will all happen in public.

I agree with you as well, Del. I don't think it is our government's job to step in and make their opinion known on the case either. The poor woman has been dead for 15 years, but modern science doesn't want to let her go. She could very well be kept alive til she is 90! Can you imagine coming out of a coma at 90? Yopu were 25 when you went into the coma, and now you are a shriveled old woman? Not for me. I have a living will, and when the plug is pulled to my concious mind, you can pull the plug to my body as well.


18 Apr 04
24 Mar 05
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Originally posted by elvendreamgirl
I agree with you as well, Del. I don't think it is our government's job to step in and make their opinion known on the case either. The poor woman has been dead for 15 years, but modern science doesn't want to let her go. She could very well be kept alive til she is 90! Can you imagine coming out of a coma at 90? Yopu were 25 when you went into the ...[text shortened]... will, and when the plug is pulled to my concious mind, you can pull the plug to my body as well.
You're right, Sarah, it is not the government's job. It is also not the job of the parasitical news media to keep feeding us this rotting flesh each day for a price. And above all, we who keep eating it and paying the price are a pitiful lot indeed.



26 Jan 03
25 Mar 05
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
This is an absolutely absurd post. Next, right wing nuts like you will be calling the Democratic Party the Party of Death. Democrats are pro-death. There, try that one on, do you like that?

[b] We can also learn that pain is very ...[text shortened]... me?

Is THAT the "Culture of Life" we're talking about?

[/b]Thank you for your very "reasoned" review. I will give it all the attention it deserves.

Ho hum. That's enough.


"If a big-foot farts in a big forest does a tree fall for it's ears to hear?"

Or does it just go on prattlin' to itself in hopes of one day attracting a mate based on the prodigious loudness and smell?

Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
What can we learn form this mess?

Well. A couple of things. We learn that bbarr is a true liberal.

We can also learn that pain is very personal and unrelenting to a parent.

We can learn that nobody knows how a person has a "heart attack" and collapses so hard as to break her back, several ribs and her leg.

That is one hell of a fall from f ...[text shortened]...

The good news is that it doesn't really matter. We are all right behind you. See you there?

Being a tradesman you know that most deaths occur from much less heights. Remember those two foot ladders OSHA has banned?




26 Jan 03
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by Ringtailhunter

Being a tradesman you know that most deaths occur from much less heights. Remember those two foot ladders OSHA has banned?

No. But I never read anything written by fools.

I get about two words in an quit.

So you see a logical explanation for her 35 broken bones that mike refused to be examined for the first five years of her "vegatative state"?

Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
No. But I never read anything written by fools.

I get about two words in an quit.

So you see a logical explanation for her 35 broken bones that mike refused to be examined for the first five years of her "vegatative state"?
I read nothing in the court reports. Do you have a link?
I have an open mind.




26 Jan 03
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by Ringtailhunter
I read nothing in the court reports. Do you have a link?
I have an open mind.

I would suggest that you close your mind. Nothin' worse than loosin ones mind because one can't figure how to keep it intact.

A closed mind is good. It indicates a certain abilty to think of what one is and fight for it.


29 Dec 04
26 Mar 05
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What I don't understand is why they can't give Terry a lethal injection. It's a much better way of dying than starving, and it appeals to both sides. Her husband would be satisfied earlier, her parents would rather see her die peacefully than by starvation, and the public would not have to hear about countless court cases over this.


Land of Fist

28 Sep 04
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by MooTheCow
What I don't understand is why they can't give Terry a lethal injection. It's a much better way of dying than starving, and it appeals to both sides. Her husband would be satisfied earlier, her parents would rather see her die peacefully than by starvation, and the public would not have to hear about countless court cases over this.
I agree with you, Moo. I don't really have an opinion on whether or not this poor woman is alive or can recover. I guess I don't think she can but I think this is no way to die "dignified". It's sadist. We give convicted murderers more "dignity".



26 Jan 03
26 Mar 05
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Originally posted by MooTheCow
What I don't understand is why they can't give Terry a lethal injection. It's a much better way of dying than starving, and it appeals to both sides. Her husband would be satisfied earlier, her parents would rather see her die peaceful ...[text shortened]... blic would not have to hear about countless court cases over this.
An abandoned Dog? Except that she will NEVER pee on a rich persons lawn.

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