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Adam Schiff is now guilty of treason

Adam Schiff is now guilty of treason


1 edit

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump opened another week of impeachment turmoil with slashing attacks on his accusers – including a suggestion that a leading investigator be arrested for "treason."

Claiming that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, falsely described his phone call with the president of of Ukraine, Trump tweeted Monday: "Arrest for Treason?"

So, according to Trump now we have the whistleblower and a US Congressman both guilty of treason.

Is anyone here getting the idea this President is just a bit out of control?? 😏

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-attacks-impeachment-accusers-in-tweets-that-mentioned-civil-war/ar-AAI3IMi?ocid=spartandhp 😏


I actually think that the trigger for the impeachment process has a second objective.
To provoke the Donald into unstable behaviour in the middle of the election campaign.

Sure, he will keep his base, FOX Propaganda, the trailer park yahoos and the “Onward Christian Soldiers” groups.
The undecideds who still care about democracy over demagogues will vote intelligently I hope.


@mghrn55 said
I actually think that the trigger for the impeachment process has a second objective.
To provoke the Donald into unstable behaviour in the middle of the election campaign.

Sure, he will keep his base, FOX Propaganda, the trailer park yahoos and the “Onward Christian Soldiers” groups.
The undecideds who still care about democracy over demagogues will vote intelligently I hope.
the more insane the Donald gets the more his base rallies around him
the dems should use a little flattery
flatter him enough and he might step down


@mchill said
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump opened another week of impeachment turmoil with slashing attacks on his accusers – including a suggestion that a leading investigator be arrested for "treason."

Claiming that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, falsely described his phone call with the president of of Ukraine, Trump tweeted Monday: " ...[text shortened]... s/trump-attacks-impeachment-accusers-in-tweets-that-mentioned-civil-war/ar-AAI3IMi?ocid=spartandhp 😏
Schiff voted for the war in Iraq and did nothing while Bush was bribing for UN votes. Now all the sudden he wants to enforce the law for a change? He is a puppet of the elites.



@mchill said
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump opened another week of impeachment turmoil with slashing attacks on his accusers – including a suggestion that a leading investigator be arrested for "treason."

Claiming that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, falsely described his phone call with the president of of Ukraine, Trump tweeted Monday: " ...[text shortened]... s/trump-attacks-impeachment-accusers-in-tweets-that-mentioned-civil-war/ar-AAI3IMi?ocid=spartandhp 😏
The idea i’m getting, if you will suffer an analogy, is a boar being chased mercilessly for 25 miles, wide open, by a pack of wolves, with no where to rest, stop, sip some water, and finally, at wits end, turns and faces this vicious lot, it just can’t take it anymore. This, and no sleep for over a year, ...,well, yes, could cause a man, or a boar, to get a bit off track.

Libs,,,,,for a moment, put yourself in the place of, er, the boar.


@averagejoe1 said
The idea i’m getting, if you will suffer an analogy, is a boar being chased mercilessly for 25 miles, wide open, by a pack of wolves, with no where to rest, stop, sip some water, and finally, at wits end, turns and faces this vicious lot, it just can’t take it anymore. This, and no sleep for over a year, ...,well, yes, could cause a man, or a boar, to get a bit off track.

Libs,,,,,for a moment, put yourself in the place of, er, the boar.
Well, the boar is illiterate, so at least that part of the analogy is spot-on.


@kazetnagorra said
Well, the boar is illiterate, so at least that part of the analogy is spot-on.
When I write on this thing, my minds eye sees you guys ( or yougirls, which is equally acceptable nomenclature§?) as all looking like the cynical Rachel Maddow. MSNBC, For yohforeigners, after seeing her show, you come away with nothing.

1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
The idea i’m getting, if you will suffer an analogy, is a boar being chased mercilessly for 25 miles, wide open, by a pack of wolves, with no where to rest, stop, sip some water, and finally, at wits end, turns and faces this vicious lot, it just can’t take it anymore. This, and no sleep for over a year, ...,well, yes, could cause a man, or a boar, to get a bit off track.

Libs,,,,,for a moment, put yourself in the place of, er, the boar.
What color socks is the boar wearing ??
Ah SHADDUP !! πŸ˜†


@mchill said
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump opened another week of impeachment turmoil with slashing attacks on his accusers – including a suggestion that a leading investigator be arrested for "treason."

Claiming that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, falsely described his phone call with the president of of Ukraine, Trump tweeted Monday: " ...[text shortened]... s/trump-attacks-impeachment-accusers-in-tweets-that-mentioned-civil-war/ar-AAI3IMi?ocid=spartandhp 😏
Whistleblower? More like a CIA mole


@mghrn55 said
What color socks is the boar wearing ??
Ah SHADDUP !! πŸ˜†
Do you fellers remember how Taimonov acted in ‘71 when Fischer’s powerful bishop smashed his measly cowering knight! Yeah , I was there, y’all (you girls, has to be same as you guys, which you say a lot, why not you girls, is there a difference?))).........you girls remind me of Taimonov😀😫

I warned you I’m going humorous

2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
The idea i’m getting, if you will suffer an analogy, is a boar being chased mercilessly for 25 miles, wide open, by a pack of wolves, with no where to rest, stop, sip some water, and finally, at wits end, turns and faces this vicious lot, it just can’t take it anymore. This, and no sleep for over a year, ...,well, yes, could cause a man, or a boar, to get a bit off track.

Libs,,,,,for a moment, put yourself in the place of, er, the boar.
Mr. Average Joe,

I didn't hear you talking that way when the GOP spent untold hours raking Hillary Clinton over the coals about her emails, so stop sniveling little guy. If your golden boy can't take the heat, maybe he doesn't belong in the White House. 😳


@averagejoe1 said
The idea i’m getting, if you will suffer an analogy, is a boar being chased mercilessly for 25 miles, wide open, by a pack of wolves, with no where to rest, stop, sip some water, and finally, at wits end, turns and faces this vicious lot, it just can’t take it anymore. This, and no sleep for over a year, ...,well, yes, could cause a man, or a boar, to get a bit off track.

Libs,,,,,for a moment, put yourself in the place of, er, the boar.
You neglected to mention all the innocent girl guides and shaky old ladies this boar gored on his way through the wolf infested forest. Pork ribs anyone?


@mchill said
Mr. Average Joe,

I didn't hear you talking that way when the GOP spent untold hours raking Hillary Clinton over the coals about her emails, so stop sniveling little guy. If your golden boy can't take the heat, maybe he doesn't belong in the White House. 😳
Undoubtedly you havent heard the latest on the emails.


@mchill said
Mr. Average Joe,

I didn't hear you talking that way when the GOP spent untold hours raking Hillary Clinton over the coals about her emails, so stop sniveling little guy. If your golden boy can't take the heat, maybe he doesn't belong in the White House. 😳
Do you think he is not takinG HEAT!???! You girls knowof direct actions that we found, well, not ladylike, by a criminal girl who wanted to be our president.

The actions are unquestioned, whether you think her criminal or not.

Now, show us any crime or misdemeanor or treason byTrump. It is not there. Your point is NO point. You make my fingers exhausted with all this. BTW your man Biden lied to a reporter that he has never talked with his son about his son’s business.


@kevcvs57 said
You neglected to mention all the innocent girl guides and shaky old ladies this boar gored on his way through the wolf infested forest. Pork ribs anyone?
Classic lib segue.

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