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Adultery, how come god had it off with Mary?

Adultery, how come god had it off with Mary?


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thou shalt not commit adultery, thats right isn't it? so why was it ok for god to have it off with josephs wife? seems like a contridiction or double standards,

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She wasn't an adult at the time...they married young in those days!

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
She wasn't an adult at the time...they married young in those days!
ok then why is it regarded as ok for god to have porked a little kid (and someones wife), does it get any worse?

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Just goes to prove, the DEVIL controls God.

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Originally posted by silver fern
thou shalt not commit adultery, thats right isn't it? so why was it ok for god to have it off with josephs wife? seems like a contridiction or double standards,
Oh come now. Immaculate conception has nothing to do with God having sex with someone.

There was a well known case in britain in the 80's. A virgin woman gave birth.
What seems to have happened is that she and her husband had never quite known what positions are most commonly used to have sex. Basically they only ever had anal sex.
Seemingly some semen managed to make its way to the uterus.

See. No God involved.

Anyway, I always presumed that whenever Mary said: "Oh, it's not Joseph's, it's God's." the person who she was telling it to would give her a knowing wink and smile.

Adultery was frowned upon in those days.

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Another thread in silverfern's attempt to alienate himself from the rest of RHP.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
She wasn't an adult at the time...they married young in those days!
Adultery has nothing to do with being an adult.

"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
Adultery A*dul"ter*y, n.; pl. Adulteries. L. adulterium.
See Advoutry.
1. The unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage
bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another than
his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married
woman with another than her husband.

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A stupid thread deserves a stupid reply.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
A stupid thread deserves a stupid reply.
good point

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Originally posted by antichrist
Just goes to prove, the DEVIL controls God.
Antichrist...If you're going to go round trying to discredit christians you probably need a more subtle online name. I mean now we know you're the Antichrist we now you have a vested interest in dicrediting them!

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Originally posted by SbecspeledrX
Antichrist...If you're going to go round trying to discredit christians you probably need a more subtle online name. I mean now we know you're the Antichrist we now you have a vested interest in dicrediting them!
Stone caster!

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Originally posted by SbecspeledrX
Antichrist...If you're going to go round trying to discredit christians you probably need a more subtle online name. I mean now we know you're the Antichrist we now you have a vested interest in dicrediting them!
Shhhh... He's an anarchist (crappy song reference (the reference is crappy not the song (worst. rhyme. ever!)))

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Originally posted by SbecspeledrX
you probably need a more subtle online name
He's already got at least one other subtler name: howardgee.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Oh come now. Immaculate conception has nothing to do with God having sex with someone.
Just a point of doctrinal clarification:

According to the Church Universal, Mary, not Jesus, was
'Immaculately Conceived.' What this means is, unlike
everyone else in the world, Mary was born without original
sin and, tradition has it, that she never sinned in her lifetime.

The reason that this is of importance is, within the Jewish
faith, the sins of the your forefathers are passed 'on through the
third and the fourth generations.'

As such, if Mary were not Immaculately Conceived, she would
pass on the sins of her father (named 'Joachim' by tradition)
onto Jesus, a theologically unacceptable situation (for Jesus,
too, was believed to be without sin by tradition).

So: The Immaculate Conception is about Mary's conception,
which took place by the natural method. Jesus' conception is
the Miraculous Conception, which took place by extraordinary
means (i.e., the Holy Spirit).

Ivanhoe might want to elaborate on this, as he might have
more information, being the resident Roman Catholic.


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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Shhhh... He's an anarchist (crappy song reference (the reference is crappy not the song (worst. rhyme. ever!)))

One programmer to another... sees the nested logic and just sort of smiles. Good use of an idiom.

I think you introduced a bug there with the "Not" though.

SVW has a mindknot trying to "not" a song.

Do you have the code for Worst.Rhyme.Ever() funciton? I would love to see it.

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