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Afghanistan - It's finally over

Afghanistan - It's finally over


3 edits

20 years ago George W Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan, a policy based on lies and false idealism. Today President Joseph Biden extracted America from this country that has cost America's resources and lives for 2 decades.

Once again, a Democratic President has to clean up another Republican mess. I hope we learn from this.

Thank You President Biden. Well done! 🙂


@mchill said
20 years ago George W Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan, a policy based on lies and false idealism. Today President Joseph Biden extracted America from this country that has cost America's resources and lives for 2 decades.

Once again, a Democratic President has to clean up another Republican mess. I hope we learn from this.

Thank You President Biden. Well done! 🙂
Are you really boasting about the US leaving a bunch of Americans in a country run by Islamic Sharia law extremists?


Lets keep this thread alive so we can laugh when the USA or its former allies have to go back to Afghanistan because of human rights abuses by the terrorists.


Pray for the Americans abandoned by these illegitimate people.


@mott-the-hoople said
Pray for the Americans abandoned by these illegitimate people.
Go into averagejoe's thread and give him an atta boy !!

1 edit

@rajk999 said
Are you really boasting about the US leaving a bunch of Americans in a country run by Islamic Sharia law extremists?
A few hundred seem to have decided to stay in the country. No "hostages" like you right wingers were scaremongering a few days ago.

A "well done" to the US and allied troops and officials who organized and executed the evacuation of over 120,000 persons from Afghanistan under difficult conditions.

And, of course, to Joe Biden for having the political courage to end this folly once and for all.


@mchill said
20 years ago George W Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan, a policy based on lies and false idealism. Today President Joseph Biden extracted America from this country that has cost America's resources and lives for 2 decades.

Once again, a Democratic President has to clean up another Republican mess. I hope we learn from this.

Thank You President Biden. Well done! 🙂
Trump made the deal and Biden implemented it.

Nobody deserves credit for what is happening. The establishment wanted to shift to a high tech warfare using drones instead of troops on the ground. The US deal with the Taliban makes this possible. The Taliban will take over where the US troops left off.

It isn't over. The drone strikes will continue and they need an airport for inland killings.


@rajk999 said
Are you really boasting about the US leaving a bunch of Americans in a country run by Islamic Sharia law extremists?
....You mean like IRAQ?
Our nation building went over great there did it?
All that 'SPREADING DEMOCRACY STUFF', I tried it myself, in Vietnam and I'm
here to tell 'ya. Our system works for us but maybe it doesn't work for everyone.
AFGHANISTAN---Here's a country that as been ruled by warlords, clans and fuedal systems for centuries we go in and ''SUDDENLY'' we are going to change their whole culture?
The reason their Army collapsed is because of much the same reasoning....We do war on a completely different scale...We use air cover, radar, drones, missiles, sophisticated systems of all kinds and when we hand our modern weapons to these simple warriors, we are somehow surprised that they cannot put them to good use. Same thing happened in NAM'. Once again we leave behind a force that is better armed now than we first encountered them on the battlefield...............
The sad truth, no matter if our intentions are well meaning or pure capitalist greed, we have got to quit trying to decide what way is best for our feuding neighbors to live and to
settle their differences and, unless genocide is occurring, keep our noses out of it.


The US will not let go of the Kabul airport. It is needed for drones and it might be needed to go back in if the Taliban reneges on the deal. The only way my government will leave the Kabul airport is if they have another airport to replace it.

If anybody really thinks it is over I am willing to make a bet that my government will never leave all the airports in Afghanistan by choice.


@mott-the-hoople said
Pray for the Americans abandoned by these illegitimate people.
People can’t be illegitimate.


@mchill said
20 years ago George W Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan, a policy based on lies and false idealism. Today President Joseph Biden extracted America from this country that has cost America's resources and lives for 2 decades.

Once again, a Democratic President has to clean up another Republican mess. I hope we learn from this.

Thank You President Biden. Well done! 🙂
The only idealism I see is in your post


@c-i-v said
Lets keep this thread alive so we can laugh when the USA or its former allies have to go back to Afghanistan because of human rights abuses by the terrorists.
if you believe that the US goes to war because of human rights abuses, can you give me the phone number of santa claus and the easter bunny?


It isn't over. From the link below:

"It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport."


The Taliban are helping Biden defend the airport. What does that tell you? We must be defending the Taliban by bombing their enemies and ISIS-K is said to be one of their enemies. ISIS-K is also said to be comprised of a lot of former Taliban people. If that sis true then we have people from the Taliban that don't like the Taliban anymore.

Doesn't it seem like the corp. news media wants to keep us as uninformed of ISIS-K as possible? What little they do say about them just brings up more questions than answers.


@metal-brain said
The US will not let go of the Kabul airport. It is needed for drones and it might be needed to go back in if the Taliban reneges on the deal. The only way my government will leave the Kabul airport is if they have another airport to replace it.

If anybody really thinks it is over I am willing to make a bet that my government will never leave all the airports in Afghanistan by choice.
You lose; all US troops have left the Kabul airport.


@mchill said
20 years ago George W Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan, a policy based on lies and false idealism. Today President Joseph Biden extracted America from this country that has cost America's resources and lives for 2 decades.

Once again, a Democratic President has to clean up another Republican mess. I hope we learn from this.

Thank You President Biden. Well done! 🙂
WELL DONE, says McHill.
Sometimes I worry about who I am here associated with. Could it come back to haunt me. Creep.

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