Here is an excerpt from the link below:
"Since the downfall of Morsi on July 3, the US government has refused to call the incident a coup as such a move would put an end to $1.3 billion in aid to Egyptian military. US law prohibits granting aid to a country where a democratic government is toppled by the military.
The Senate on Wednesday killed a measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13 that would have cut off US aid to Egypt and spent the money on crumbling bridges in the US.
“All I can see is the billions of American tax dollars that he [President Barack Obama] chooses to send overseas,” Paul said. “The president sends billions of dollars to Egypt in the form of advanced fighter planes and tanks while Detroit crumbles.”
“All military aid must end, that’s the law. There is no presidential waiver, the law states unequivocally the aid must end,” Paul said. “If we choose to ignore our own laws, can we with a straight face preach to the rest of the world about the rule of law?”
Obama doesn't care about people here in the USA. Partisan divide is preventing a stop to sending our money overseas. The irony is that the very people who are hurt most by Obama's foreign policy voted for him and continue to support him. Are they fools or am I wrong?
Originally posted by Metal BrainThere may be some truth in what you said, though I haven't followed that issue much. I think America is spending too much in military aid, and I'd like to see that reduced.
Here is an excerpt from the link below:
"Since the downfall of Morsi on July 3, the US government has refused to call the incident a coup as such a move would put an end to $1.3 billion in aid to Egyptian military. US law prohibits granting aid to a country where a democratic government is toppled by the military.
The Senate on Wednesday killed a m ...[text shortened]... ama's foreign policy voted for him and continue to support him. Are they fools or am I wrong?
Originally posted by Metal Brain"The Senate on Wednesday killed a measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13..."
Here is an excerpt from the link below:
"Since the downfall of Morsi on July 3, the US government has refused to call the incident a coup as such a move would put an end to $1.3 billion in aid to Egyptian military. US law prohibits granting aid to a country where a democratic government is toppled by the military.
The Senate on Wednesday killed a m ama's foreign policy voted for him and continue to support him. Are they fools or am I wrong?
"Obama doesn't care about people here in the USA..."
So it's Obama's fault? Huh? 86 to 13 is partisan? It's more likely senators whose states have a lot of military manufacturing and presence.
Originally posted by JS357Obama was put in place by the same people who put the 86 in place. It isn't Obama's fault, it is the fault of those people who are pulling the strings.
"The Senate on Wednesday killed a measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13..."
"Obama doesn't care about people here in the USA..."
So it's Obama's fault? Huh? 86 to 13 is partisan? It's more likely senators whose states have a lot of military manufacturing and presence.
Let the blind remain blind.
Originally posted by JS357I didn't say it was "ALL" Obama's fault. I'm just saying he is and never was an agent of change as he promised. He is just as corrupt as GW Bush. All presidents in recent history were corrupt tools of the elite who control things from behind the scenes. Obama is just another puppet. He doesn't care about you.
"The Senate on Wednesday killed a measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13..."
"Obama doesn't care about people here in the USA..."
So it's Obama's fault? Huh? 86 to 13 is partisan? It's more likely senators whose states have a lot of military manufacturing and presence.
Originally posted by Metal BrainThere was a time when things were different?
I didn't say it was "ALL" Obama's fault. I'm just saying he is and never was an agent of change as he promised. He is just as corrupt as GW Bush. All presidents in recent history were corrupt tools of the elite who control things from behind the scenes. Obama is just another puppet. He doesn't care about you.
Originally posted by Metal BrainSo if the fighter planes and tanks were not sent to Egypt they would be
[b]... measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13 that would have cut off US aid to Egypt and spent the money on crumbling bridges in the US.
The president sends billions of dollars to Egypt in the form of advanced fighter planes and tanks while Detroit crumbles.”
melted down to make bridges and rebuild Detroit? I think it's too late
for a quick fix like that!
Originally posted by Metal BrainAnd this is why 86-13 is a partisan vote?
I didn't say it was "ALL" Obama's fault. I'm just saying he is and never was an agent of change as he promised. He is just as corrupt as GW Bush. All presidents in recent history were corrupt tools of the elite who control things from behind the scenes. Obama is just another puppet. He doesn't care about you.
Originally posted by JS357Almost everyone thinks the military could be cut back, but nobody wants the base in their State closed. NIMBYism at its best.
"The Senate on Wednesday killed a measure from Sen. Rand Paul 86 to 13..."
"Obama doesn't care about people here in the USA..."
So it's Obama's fault? Huh? 86 to 13 is partisan? It's more likely senators whose states have a lot of military manufacturing and presence.
Originally posted by Metal BrainIf Obama had any sense he would take the war planes and turn then on Detroit and finish it off. ðŸ˜
Here is an excerpt from the link below:
"Since the downfall of Morsi on July 3, the US government has refused to call the incident a coup as such a move would put an end to $1.3 billion in aid to Egyptian military. US law prohibits granting aid to a country where a democratic government is toppled by the military.
The Senate on Wednesday killed a m ama's foreign policy voted for him and continue to support him. Are they fools or am I wrong?
People don't get outraged anymore about anything they do in government. People who have a pulse are already outraged at what has been going on for some time, the rest are zombies.
Originally posted by Metal BrainPresident's appeal to issues their constituencies are moved by. Ronald Reagan appealed to Americans who thought Carter to be weak and irresolute, and who had wrecked the military.
I didn't say it was "ALL" Obama's fault. I'm just saying he is and never was an agent of change as he promised. He is just as corrupt as GW Bush. All presidents in recent history were corrupt tools of the elite who control things from behind the scenes. Obama is just another puppet. He doesn't care about you.
To satisfy campaign rhetoric, Reagan demanded big increases in military spending, without really being specific. Given that in 1980, if there was a threat it was the Soviet Union, and MAD was the strategic response in those days to keep peace. Yet the Reagan build up of the military was to produce large tactical arms, ships, planes, tanks, and soldiers unrelated to the primary threat of the day. It did satisfy the military/industrial complex, but didn't make us any safer in that MAD world.
We know that buildup started massive federal deficits which have continued under every President since. Whether this is conspiratorial, or just momentum, I can't answer.