@eladar saidHI speed rail has been proposed as an alternative to planes. I don't see this as being intended for public transportation in the same way NYC uses trains.
I can see using high speed rail on the east coast, they are used to public transit. Once you get west of the Mississippi you run into people who drive cars.
HSR would be more for long distance travel, like planes. They can offer a cheaper and more eco-friendly option.
Of course, it all depends on how fast, how much and how far.
08 May 19
@eladar saidYou don't need to start out with the whole US all at once. Just pick a few strategic places and expand based on how popular this turns out to be.
To cover the US there would need to be a southern, central and northern east west track and connecting tracks running north and south. That would be a lot of rail.
08 May 19
@mchill saidOSH regulation and environmental regulation.
Why do most developed countries have high speed rail, but not America??
How GM and corporate America killed our chances for high speed rail, and electric transportation.
American capitalism - Ain't it grand!
08 May 19
@eladar saidI think the idea is to give people a viable alternative to cars but the alternative has to exist before we give up our cars.
I can see using high speed rail on the east coast, they are used to public transit. Once you get west of the Mississippi you run into people who drive cars.
Given the choice between a claustrophobic car space and a smooth rolling train in which I can stretch my legs plus get myself a cup of tea and a big slice of cake I know which option I prefer.