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anyone seen marerider#1?

anyone seen marerider#1?




2 edits

@mott-the-hoople said
He is probably avoiding stuff such as that turned out by Suzanne, who talks about how great Bidenomics has been, when a mortgage was average $1750under Trump and now it is $3350 under Biden. And so forth.
Do you think he has any idea of the border crisis, for example.. he knows we will have a depression if Biden wins He knows the green new deal is actually the green new scam.


Funny how MY mortgage is 900 a month. And OF COURSE it is Biden's fault when prices go up but for instance, now that gas has cone down some 30%, it CLEARLY has NOTHING to do with Biden, just business as usual. What is that word? Oh yes, HYPOCRITE.


@sonhouse said
Funny how MY mortgage is 900 a month. And OF COURSE it is Biden's fault when prices go up but for instance, now that gas has cone down some 30%, it CLEARLY has NOTHING to do with Biden, just business as usual. What is that word? Oh yes, HYPOCRITE.
people are too broke to buy gas is the reason the price is down


@sonhouse said
Funny how MY mortgage is 900 a month. And OF COURSE it is Biden's fault when prices go up but for instance, now that gas has cone down some 30%, it CLEARLY has NOTHING to do with Biden, just business as usual. What is that word? Oh yes, HYPOCRITE.
You are as usually all apples oranges peaches and pecans


@mott-the-hoople said
X.com 😉😉
That’s where all the good economists hang out I expect 😂


Like I said, if prices go up, HANG BIDEN, prices go down, just business as usual. Fukking HYPOCRITE.


@sonhouse said
Like I said, if prices go up, HANG BIDEN, prices go down, just business as usual. Fukking HYPOCRITE.
You are talented, I am sure you could take any side. Example, the Trump kids did what court told them to in the matter of testifying …..like show up , among other instructions, don’t you know?
But Hunter flips the court off.
Entertain us Sonhouse? Pick either side!!!!!


Hunter jr did not flip off the court, he flipped off congressmen who wanted to do an interview behind closed doors and he refused, saying he would gladly testify to an open hearing with cameras in the room but the magites could stand the idea of not being able to turn it into a circus so they didn't do that, but Hunter did his own statements on the steps of congress on TV giving his side of the story, just showing how biased those so called officials really are. They are anti democracy is what they really are, cowtowing to Trump, agreeing with every POS thing he has to say no matter how many lies Trump pukes out they follow him like he is a god.





@suzianne said

suziman, marerider#1 has departed because I gave her too much debate punishment.

..and so, as you say, in effect she is message board deceased, no longer such a loser user.


I bet you really feel like a big man now.


@sonhouse said
Hunter jr did not flip off the court, he flipped off congressmen who wanted to do an interview behind closed doors and he refused, saying he would gladly testify to an open hearing with cameras in the room but the magites could stand the idea of not being able to turn it into a circus so they didn't do that, but Hunter did his own statements on the steps of con ...[text shortened]... ry POS thing he has to say no matter how many lies Trump pukes out they follow him like he is a god.
Sonhouse…..higher-ups ‘get to ‘ ask these people, Trump kids and Biden kids, to tell them a few things. Our country, for Godsakes, Sonhouse, , has provisions and simple courtesies for such things . {{to our readers..we lose SHouse here…..}}
So the Trump kids ‘honor’ these most simple requests. The criminal drug addict does not. No honor.
You lose this debate. I seem to win 98% of my debates.

5 edits

Trump KIDS? 40 years old is kids? Wow, you win 98%, must be because of help from your god king........
You really live in lala land. A legend in your own mind.
You really think since the ultrarightwingnut repubs like Jim Jordan who BTW is intimately connected with the coup attempt, he was in the thick of it talking to Trump days before Jan 6 and THAT is the dude firing up the 'impeach Joe attempt'?
You really do live in a dream world where ever word from the wingnuts are taken verbatim by you so if they say there is evidence worthy of impeachment that HAS to be true since the underlings of your god king said so.
Sad really. REALLY sad that you would dispatch your brain and give up the right to think for yourself.

I don't suppose you saw the part on TV where the Repub lawyer actually said there was nothing to find there, ZERO impeachable offense to be found, that was their OWN LAWYER, but I guess since he got his word in and quickly covered up, now that means nothing since the likes of Jim coup man Jordan says so it HAS to be true.

I guess for you all that youtube video is just bogus.

The ONLY reason for this BS is because Trump is a REAL criminal and the ultrarightwingnuts in congress are after revenge and it WILL backfire on them come voting day.

BTW, did you see the part where near 60% of Americans are against this bogus impeachent?


Maybe he finally realizes the USA is not a democracy and most of what he believed is a lie. Biden bypassed congress to send emergency funding to Israel. That is not how democracies are supposed to work.

no1 knows that Biden doing that was BS because he does not support Israel, but sonhouse probably does and is fooling himself into believing it was the right thing to do and ignore there is no democracy here to take away by Trump or anyone else. Sonhouse probably supports the ethnic cleansing of Gaza so he will maintain cognitive dissonance and accept the contradictions.

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