Shiver me timbers, there's gotta be like... THREE! OMG
Now tell me, Joseph, how many Trump threads have there been in the last month
at RHP by libtards suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Ya. 3... hundred?? 🤔
The post that was quoted here has been removedAre you joking?
Male fantasies have never involved Michelle Obama.
That's like being with the big black guy at my gym.
Pelosi? Ya cause she has them giant fake boobs.
I'll admit my naughty grandma fantasies 😒
Hillary Clinton?
Pant suits are hot!
07 Feb 21
@earl-of-trumps saidExactly 👍
Shiver me timbers, there's gotta be like... THREE! OMG
Now tell me, Joseph, how many Trump threads have there been in the last month
at RHP by libtards suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Ya. 3... hundred?? 🤔
07 Feb 21
@earl-of-trumps saidI think you’ll find most of the trump threads were started by right-wing fascists, like yourself.
Shiver me timbers, there's gotta be like... THREE! OMG
Now tell me, Joseph, how many Trump threads have there been in the last month
at RHP by libtards suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Ya. 3... hundred?? 🤔
07 Feb 21
@gratis-pawn saidMhmmm... some stench coming off you sort of says: you have no right to be fussy about anything prettier than a scorched gremlin covered in lard... otherwise known as... yo
She's ugly and has a giant head.
No thanks 😒
Maybe if I was drunk...
@shavixmir saidhttps://twitter.com/geoffmeeker/status/1094264408056844288/photo/1
Dear oh dear... thread after thread about her by the right-wing shrivelled nuts society of RHP.
Get a bloody life, you bunch of incels!
@gratis-pawn saidDoña Pelosi has a very sexy voice.
Are you joking?
Male fantasies have never involved Michelle Obama.
That's like being with the big black guy at my gym.
Pelosi? Ya cause she has them giant fake boobs.
I'll admit my naughty grandma fantasies 😒
Hillary Clinton?
Pant suits are hot!
07 Feb 21
@shavixmir saidAOC represents everything Conservative America hates. She is smart (attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude) Puerto Rician/Jewish decent, Liberal, environmentally friendly, and inclusive.
Dear oh dear... thread after thread about her by the right-wing shrivelled nuts society of RHP.
Get a bloody life, you bunch of incels!
I hope she becomes President someday. 🙂