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AOC: "Young people haven't been served"



What does that mean? Have you ever been served? You don't need to respond.


It means they need help because they have been underprivileged all their lives.
Knowing AOC, I would wager she claims it's because of white people or some such,



@averagejoe1 said
What does that mean? Have you ever been served? You don't need to respond.
Probably something to do with kids food in the cafeteria.


Whew, there he is ...I was afraid we'd lost Jimmmm.


You've been exposed for not knowing, Joe. Obviously, you were raised on white privilege


@earl-of-trumps said
You've been exposed for not knowing, Joe. Obviously, you were raised on white privilege
No he’s got Boomer privilege.

1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
What does that mean? Have you ever been served? You don't need to respond.

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@averagejoe1 said
What does that mean? Have you ever been served? You don't need to respond.
What does that mean?

It means Joe, you quoted AOC incorrectly. The correct language was: "It's actually young people who have not really been served,"

AOC was referring to the skyrocketing cost of higher education and massive debt students must take on as they work to prepare themselves to earn more than minimum wage, a problem that our beloved lawmakers have done little or nothing about; all the while freely giving away over 100 billion of our tax dollars every year to fat cats in the Fortune 500 in the form of subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies.

Correcting your errors is becoming a full time job. πŸ™„


@earl-of-trumps said
You've been exposed for not knowing, Joe. Obviously, you were raised on white privilege
It’s got nothing to do with white privilege.

The young generation, 30 and younger, are the first generation in decades who have less money, options, oppertunities, etc. than the previous generation.

The standard of living is falling.
And this is due to choices being made by the 50+ generations.

In the Netherlands, to use an example, the average house now costs 350.000 euros (that’s… uh… 1 millions dollars or something… 3 full tanks of petrol… I dunno&hellipπŸ˜‰. To be able to buy that you need a really decent income and stable employment. But companies prefer short term contracts: lower wages and easier to get rid of people.

So, young people are forced into renting. Average rents are nearly 1100 euros a month. And there’s very little social housing, because local authorities prefer high-end housing and the markets don’t see cheap housing as profitable.

So you people are basically stuck with their parents until they start living with a partner and can so double their income.

Young relationships tend to end. And instead of one party leaving the house, both do because a single young person can’t afford it… and back to their parents they go.

It’s a poverty trap. And even reasonably well earning people are stuck in it.

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@mchill said
What does that mean?

It means Joe, you quoted AOC incorrectly. The correct language was: "It's actually young people who have not really been served,"

AOC was referring to the skyrocketing cost of higher education and massive debt students must take on as they work to prepare themselves to earn more than minimum wage, a problem that our beloved lawmakers have done littl ...[text shortened]... ants and other corporate welfare goodies.

Correcting your errors is becoming a full time job. πŸ™„
You seem to profess what we call a Nanny State.
So, given that, how would you rectify that which you are saying is wrong, how much should the government be sure everyone has a perfect life? How do you distinguish who gets what, especially when you have to thresh out who works harder than others?
How does the government serve, in the way implied by you and AOC?.


@averagejoe1 said
You seem to profess what we call a Nanny State.
So, given that, how would you rectify that which you are saying is wrong, how much should the government be sure everyone has a perfect life? How do you distinguish who gets what, especially when you have to thresh out who works harder than others?
How does the government serve, in the way implied by you and AOC?.
You seem to profess what we call a Nanny State.

You seem to be fine with a Nanny State when it lavishes billions of dollars on rich people - but the folks who really need it? Then it's socialism, isn't it? πŸ™„


@mchill said
You seem to profess what we call a Nanny State.

You seem to be fine with a Nanny State when it lavishes billions of dollars on rich people - but the folks who really need it? Then it's socialism, isn't it? πŸ™„
I could be considered rich,, so tell me how my 'riches' were lavished on me, as I was working harder than others. I can't wait to hear it. I live in the same world as you do, we both have, and had, the same opportunities, I started with zip.
Why can't this be a normal discussion? Why don't libs level in these discussions, instead of leveling discontent with the existence of job-creating rich people. I just don't get it. I just don't.
And we are never given your true reasonable logical rational position on 'the folks who really need it'. This country is up to the gils with welfare. Hell, they are giving money away today to fill gas tanks. None of that money is being lavished on anyone I know.
Does anyone ever go to seminars to learn how to be successful, instead of picnicking in the park? I have, and prob got ahead of a few of the picnickers. Are they the 'people who need it' that you are talking about? These are fair questions.


@shavixmir said
It’s got nothing to do with white privilege.
The young generation, 30 and younger, are the first generation in decades who have less money, options, oppertunities, etc. than the previous generation.
OMG you are right young people today have it so much worse than earlier generations.


@jj-adams said
OMG you are right young people today have it so much worse than earlier generations.
Nice one. If they just got logic, rationale and common sense, we would have nothing to talk about!!
They cannot accept that there will always be fat cats and starving dogs in this world. The same percentage of winners and losers. It kills them that a person tries to be better than the guy who lives next door, like, it is not fair. Really puzzling. And I am chided on the Forum daily for stating the truth.

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@mchill said
What does that mean?

It means Joe, you quoted AOC incorrectly. The correct language was: "It's actually young people who have not really been served,"

AOC was referring to the skyrocketing cost of higher education and massive debt students must take on as they work to prepare themselves to earn more than minimum wage, a problem that our beloved lawmakers have done littl ...[text shortened]... ants and other corporate welfare goodies.

Correcting your errors is becoming a full time job. πŸ™„
Higher education can actually be cheaper now than it's ever been if you want it to be. You can learn almost anything you like online and there are numerous ways to get degrees you need for very little if that's what you're interested in.

If you go to University of Florida because you want to go party in Gainesville for 4-5 years, then sure, it will be expensive, but don't whine about how that's what it costs to get an education.

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