Originally posted by eagles54Yes of course. The devil, angels, demons - none of these resided on earth but in heaven/hell etc. Although visitations to the earth occurred on a regular basis.
Does the Bible mention anything about God being concerned with any other sentient beings besides those on Earth?
Then again, if you are referring to sentient extra terrestrial beings in the sense of other life within the physical universe then none are referred to in the bible.
Originally posted by ShallowBlueExcept for Ezekiel going up in the sky in a "fiery chariot".
Yes of course. The devil, angels, demons - none of these resided on earth but in heaven/hell etc. Although visitations to the earth occurred on a regular basis.
Then again, if you are referring to sentient extra terrestrial beings in the sense of other life within the physical universe then none are referred to in the bible.
Originally posted by eagles54Demons Angels and the rest of the heavenly and hell hosts have no free will and thus he is less concerned with them as they are automatons.
Does the Bible mention anything about God being concerned with any other sentient beings besides those on Earth?
Apart from maybe Satan, then again some of this is not strickly scriptual and comes from other books and sources and catholic legend.
In regard to extra terrestials the bible is very very sketchy on this subject. They did not really exist in the culture of the authors and thus they are not mentioned as far as I can see.
This either means they dont exist or that GOD did not think it prudent to mention them.
Originally posted by stokerBut wouldn't the discovery of life elsewhere in the universe have a profound effect on the world's religions? I think it would. I think that it would most likely be a very negative effect, casting even more doubt on scripture and the word of god(s).
god calls us his children but never says either way if we are his only or one of
It need not even be sentient life. In fact, if the life was non-sentient then its possible that this may be an even worse case for believers. If only microbes were discovered then it strengthens the case that life can occur naturally without divine intervention. Why would god create a planet containing only simple life forms? Not much worshipping to be had there! Then again, it could be argued that god(s) may simply practicing their creation techniques on far off planets. (Do omnipotent beings need to practice? 😕 )
Originally posted by lucifershammerNo. There was a giant War in heaven. Some followed Christ and some followed his brother, Lucifer. God was torn. He loves both of his sons. So God decided to create 'earth' and see which brother could prove to be more deserving of the souls of all man kind. Lucifer would not let men choose. He would punish any who did not follow gods plan. Christ chose to let everyone screw-up as much as they wanted. BUT! He would offer his own life if god would forgive them.
If the demons did not have free will, then did God create them evil? 😀
The lines were drawn. So when one is born unto woman, one has the chance of "redemption". One may choose whom one will serve. That is what the plan is all about. The chance to change a mistake. Or to go ahead and reject good. Or evil. Free will. The parable of the "forbiden fruit".
This is an amalgam of just about every creation myth ever invented.