I'm sure that you are all aware that unmanned drones have been flying over our heads in the US for some time now, unarmed of course. However, in North Dakota apparently a US citizen has been arrested for the first time based upon this drone use. Some farmer in North Dakota has been arrested for stealing a cow. LOL.
And our border with Mexico seems as if it is not patrolled, why again?
This pretty much sums up what we have to look forward to. You know, Big Brother here to "help" us once again.
"If you are concerned about it, maybe there is a reason we should be flying over you, right?, says Douglas McDonald, the company's director of special operations and president of unmanned vehicle trade group. "But as soon as you lose your kid, get your car stolen, or have marijuana growing out at your lake place that is not yours, you would probably want one of those flying overhead."
My only question is, how have we lived without drones all these years? Without them we would all be dying in the streets!! Thank God for unlimited government power and financing. Thank you Barak Obama.
Originally posted by whodeyHaven't you had to concede on other relatively recent threads that the border is more secure than it's ever been, with more people patrolling it, less people getting across it, more people being deported etc.
And our border with Mexico seems as if it is not patrolled, why again?
And yet here you are, as if in a scene from "Memento", saying it seems to you that the border is "not patrolled". There has been a fair bit of debate here about this and you have never been able to seriously rebut the fact that the border with Mexico is more secure now than it was ever before.
So what are we to debate here? Are we to debate why whodey thinks the Mexico border seems as if it is not being patrolled? Why would anyone here want to address this yet again when every time you bring it up you simply ignore the evidence that people present?
Originally posted by whodeyMy only question is, how have we lived without drones all these years? Without them we would all be dying in the streets!! Thank God for unlimited government power and financing. Thank you Barak Obama.
I'm sure that you are all aware that unmanned drones have been flying over our heads in the US for some time now, unarmed of course. However, in North Dakota apparently a US citizen has been arrested for the first time based upon this drone use. Some farmer in North Dakota has been arrest treets!! Thank God for unlimited government power and financing. Thank you Barak Obama.
Can you right wing Tea Party freaks find anything wrong that you don't blame on Obama?? I now live in northeastern North Dakota right on the border with Canada and have for the last decade. This was going on long before Obama became president. Again this was all inherited by Obama from the Bush administration and Bush's supposed (patriot act). As if giving up our privacy and freedoms somehow makes us patriots. Get a grip and a clue.
Originally posted by quackquackwe are trying to find a balance between security and liberty.
I'm not bothered at all my drones but I would not completely dismiss this as an issue as in many contexts (airport security, sting operations, warrentless searches, random searches, ability of governments to demand records) we are trying to find a balance between security and liberty.
That balance was just fine until the patriot act was signed into law by Bush. Before the patriot act the government or police needed to get a search warrant signed by a judge showing probable cause that you were possibly doing something wrong and they needed to look into it further. Now they can listen to anyone's phone calls for no reason, Put cameras and bugs in your home etc etc. All without any probable cause or approval from a judge . That's over the line of balance. Period!
Originally posted by KingDavid403It is funny because both you and whodey seem to be more concerned about liberty than security and actually could be in agreement on the direction you would like government to go. However, instead of looking for solutions (and you seem to have common ground) you'd rather attack his view as extremist.
[b]we are trying to find a balance between security and liberty.
That balance was just fine until the patriot act was signed into law by Bush. Before the patriot act the government or police needed to get a search warrant signed by a judge showing probable cause that you were possibly doing something wrong and they needed to look into it furth ...[text shortened]... thout any probable cause or approval from a judge . That's over the line of balance. Period![/b]
Originally posted by quackquackYeah but it is Whodey that is making it a partisan issue.
It is funny because both you and whodey seem to be more concerned about liberty than security and actually could be in agreement on the direction you would like government to go. However, instead of looking for solutions (and you seem to have common ground) you'd rather attack his view as extremist.
"Thank you Barak Obama."
Just like Obama and the Marxist Democrats are responsible for every negative aspect of life in the US it is like 2008 was Whodey's year zero.
Originally posted by quackquackYes I agree with whodey on everything he posted about the spying drones. Except I,m not concerned much with the border of Mexico.
It is funny because both you and whodey seem to be more concerned about liberty than security and actually could be in agreement on the direction you would like government to go. However, instead of looking for solutions (and you seem to have common ground) you'd rather attack his view as extremist.
But I don't agree with his, and the right wing Tea Party misplacement of blame on President Obama for this and everything else that's gone wrong with our country. America has gone to pot and it's mostly been done on the republican watch starting with Reagan. It's been all down hill from there except with our little reprieve with president Clinton. Emphasis on little.
Originally posted by KingDavid403Whodey would likely agree with you that "everything has gone to pot" although he'd probably say its mostly done on the Democrats watch. It just seems that you guys cannot agree on a messenger but might have a lot in common regarding the message.
Yes I agree with whodey on everything he posted about the spying drones.
But I don't agree with his, and the right wing Tea Party misplacement of blame on President Obama for this and everything else that's gone wrong with our country. America has gone to pot and it's mostly been done on the republican watch starting with Reagan. It's been all d ...[text shortened]... hill from there except with our little reprieve with president Clinton. Emphasis on little.
Originally posted by quackquackMy beliefs are not all Democrat either. These days to I it's all voting for the lessor of to evils. But after seeing the do nothing republican congress and senate in action, and their war against the poor and working middle class of America, I'll be voting Democrat down the line. President Obama is not a savior or miracle working but things have gotten slowly better after the Bush administrations almost complete destruction of America. And things would be much better if the do nothing congress would do their job.
Whodey would likely agree with you that "everything has gone to pot" although he'd probably say its mostly done on the Democrats watch. It just seems that you guys cannot agree on a messenger but might have a lot in common regarding the message.
The Tea party calls Obama a communist but it's people like Romney who are sending our jobs over to communist China for cheaper labor and no benefits. And that only helps support the China communist government . Fact. So who's the communist? Who's the one with communist plans and idea's for the average working American??
Originally posted by quackquackRemember Ben Franklin's wise word on security and liberty. That one who would "sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither".
I'm not bothered at all my drones but I would not completely dismiss this as an issue as in many contexts (airport security, sting operations, warrentless searches, random searches, ability of governments to demand records) we are trying to find a balance between security and liberty.
Originally posted by FMFActually the crime rates seem to be going down around the immediate border on the US side. Just looking at this statistic one might assume that everything is just fine. However, Mexican gang violence has increased across the US. Also, violence along the Mexican border on the Mexican side is increasing as gangs fight for access points into the US.
Haven't you had to concede on other relatively recent threads that the border is more secure than it's ever been, with more people patrolling it, less people getting across it, more people being deported etc.
And yet here you are, as if in a scene from "Memento", saying it seems to you that the border is "not patrolled". There has been a fair bit of d ...[text shortened]... again when every time you bring it up you simply ignore the evidence that people present?
As for people coming across the border, I supppose the only ones that would know are the drones flying over head watching it all.
Of course, this thread is not about the US/Mexican border, rather, it is about the "eye in the sky". Does everyone feel comfortable with all of these drones flying over head? The first issue is one of privacy, whether you be on private property or not. The other issue is safety. Eventually there will be a fatality of some sort with one coming crashing down on a house or into another airplane etc. And lastly, there is the taxpayer cost. Is the cost worth the expense?
Originally posted by KingDavid403Of course I don't blame Obama for all of this. He just happens to be the empty suit in the White House currently.
[b]My only question is, how have we lived without drones all these years? Without them we would all be dying in the streets!! Thank God for unlimited government power and financing. Thank you Barak Obama.
Can you right wing Tea Party freaks find anything wrong that you don't blame on Obama?? I now live in northeastern North Dakota right on . As if giving up our privacy and freedoms somehow makes us patriots. Get a grip and a clue.[/b]
I am no fan of the Patriot Act or "W", however, it is nothing compared to the NDAA that Obama passed. With the NDAA they can apprehend you indefinately without trial. I know, I know it's against the Constitution to do such a thing. However, with justices like Roberts sitting on the Court I don't think the Constitution holds much water these days.
Originally posted by KingDavid403😲😵
My beliefs are not all Democrat either. These days to I it's all voting for the lessor of to evils. But after seeing the do nothing republican congress and senate in action, and their war against the poor and working middle class of America, I'll be voting Democrat down the line. President Obama is not a savior or miracle working but things have got ...[text shortened]... mmunist? Who's the one with communist plans and idea's for the average working American??
So you have fallen into the partisan pile of poo it seems. So tell me, why are you so harsh on "W" after passing one of the largest entitlements in US history? He passed the drugs for seniors program that Obama jokes about not knowing how to pay for. As far as a "stimulus", it seems as though "W" was one great giant stimulus package as he threw taxpayer money around left and right unabated just like Obama did. Unfortunately, the economy sucked under "W" just like it does Obama with this wonderful taxpayer spending. And the wars abroad.........pfft. Obama derided "W" for them and not only continued them, he started another in Libya.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you to vote GOP, far from it. I'm just trying to get you to get your head out of the partisan poo. 😵
Originally posted by normbenignBen Franklin would probably climb a water tower with a rifle if he saw what was going to today. I just hope those libs can outlaw all the guns in time to save us all. 😵
Remember Ben Franklin's wise word on security and liberty. That one who would "sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither".