08 Nov 22
From the MSN article that most of you will refuse to read:
"Monica Lewis, a spokeswoman for Scott, said squeegee kids would develop a "code of conduct" in an effort to regulate themselves. Squeegee kids will be assigned specific areas, she said. The squeegee kids may also receive a "guaranteed income" if they promise to stay off the corners, according to leaked details of the plan.
@jj-adams saidI’m sure your just about to land your slam dunk reasons as to why this is a bad thing.
From the MSN article that most of you will refuse to read:
"Monica Lewis, a spokeswoman for Scott, said squeegee kids would develop a "code of conduct" in an effort to regulate themselves. Squeegee kids will be assigned specific areas, she said. The squeegee kids may also receive a "guaranteed income" if they promise to stay off the corners, according to leaked details of the plan.
08 Nov 22
@kevcvs57 saidRequiring taxpayers to pay criminals to leave them alone is one slam dunk reason, for starters.
No the fact you cannot actually articulate even roughly how this policy is going to herald the collapse of western civilisation is proof that you are a useless breast beating alarmist.
08 Nov 22
@jj-adams saidDo you think they do it for lols standing around waiting to wash some bigots windscreen for a buck or two.
Requiring taxpayers to pay criminals to leave them alone is one slam dunk reason, for starters.
Then someone has the bright idea to formalise and control this ad hoc child labour and you throw your head in your hands as if they’ve just legalised rape.
@athousandyoung saidTaking a dirty rag to someone's windshield and demanding money is not honest work, it's extortion.
They’re not criminals you jackass they are impoverished children trying to earn money through honest work
Why do you think the citizens are complaining about them? They aren't providing a legitimate service.
08 Nov 22
@kevcvs57 saidThey are paying them NOT TO DO IT.
Do you think they do it for lols standing around waiting to wash some bigots windscreen for a buck or two.
Then someone has the bright idea to formalise and control this ad hoc child labour and you throw your head in your hands as if they’ve just legalised rape.
I guess you didn't understand the article.
@jj-adams saidAnd how stupid are we, the (Baltimore) people supplying the money!
Paying criminals to stop committing crimes, they really are stupid, aren't they?
real stupid
@earl-of-trumps saidIt's annoying that ATY, etc, claim that they are just disadvantaged youfs working hard to make a buck, when all they are doing is intimidating people into giving them money. They are responsible for countless assaults if they don't get their way, or outright robbery, and there's even been one murder.
Ya. Protection rackets.
yeah, they beez just triyn'a woik for a living.
Now the mayor wants to pay them for leaving people alone and do nothing and the left wingers here don't see what's wrong with that.