Originally posted by zeeblebot
McCain wasn't much on charisma or good looks, either.
let's see. Charisma, Beauty, Winner, Year, Republican Contender, Democratic Contender (R = Repub., D = Dem)
C B W YYYY Republican/Democrat
D D D 2008 McCain/Obama
R R R 2004 Bush/Kerry
R R R 2000 Bush/Gore
D D D 1996 Gore/Clinton
D D D 1992 Bush/Clinton
R R R 1988 Bush/Dukakis
R R R 1984 Reagan/Mondale
? ? R 1980 Reagan/Carter
D D D 1976 Ford/Carter
R R R 1972 Nixon/McGovern
R R R 1968 Nixon/Humphrey
D D D 1964 Goldwater/Johnson
D D D 1960 Nixon/Kennedy
some interesting notes.
a sea of red in the Nixon vs. McGovern match:
what cost Goldwater, vs. LBJ:
Although Goldwater had been successful in rallying conservatives, he was unable to broaden his base of support for the general election. Shortly before the Republican Convention, he had alienated most moderate Republicans by his vote against the Civil Rights Act of 1964,[3] which Johnson championed and signed into law. The Johnson camp used this to paint Goldwater as a racist (despite the fact that Goldwater supported the civil rights cause in general, and voted in favor of the 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts). Goldwater argued that it was a matter for the individual states rather than federal legislation. Goldwater was famous for speaking "off-the-cuff" at times, and many of his former statements were given wide publicity by the Democrats.
Originally posted by zeeblebotwhose judgment did you use to determine the beauty and charisma of the various candidates?
Originally posted by zeeblebot
[b]McCain wasn't much on charisma or good looks, either.
let's see. Charisma, Beauty, Winner, Year, Republican Contender, Democratic Contender (R = Repub., D = Dem)
C B W YYYY Republican/Democrat
D D D 2008 McCain/Obama
R R R 2004 Bush/Kerry
R R R 2000 Bush/Gore
D D D 1996 Gore/Clinton
D D D 1992 Bush/Cl ...[text shortened]... cGovern
R R R 1968 Nixon/Humphrey
D D D 1964 Goldwater/Johnson
D D D 1960 Nixon/Kennedy[/b]