RePUTINicans keep bringing up the Biden's and how corrupt they are.
Ok, the inspector general reviewed all that and concluded nothing was there.
Here is another thing: WHY NOW? The answer is the Biden conspiracy is just weaponized politics by the rePUTINicans.
Here is the thing: in 2015 or so when the house AND senate were in full republican control, there was ZERO mention of any of that Biden crap.
Biden's adult children are not under the control of Joe, they live their own lives and if there was anything improper about Hunter getting that sweet job with real money that is Hunter's problem, not Joe.
Joe Biden had the chief Ukraine prosecutor canned because he was fukking CORRUPT and EVERYONE knew it full well.
But now, the rePUTINicans have weaponized that even though in 2015 they had complete control of congress, both houses.
And the reason for bringing all that bullshyte up NOW is to ad to the 'watch the little birdie' distraction tactic since they cannot defend the actual articles of impeachment so they get desperate and use folks like Ken Starr saying NOTHING a POTUS can do is impeachable.
Which just makes the case that POTUS = KING and therefore above the law.
That is the bottom line.
So now instead of people making cases and such in house and senate, it is 100% partisan politics and 100% away from what America used to be where senators of both parties could flip votes and still be considered republican or democrat.
Now it is to the point of extreme uselessness as a governing body, where NOBODY is interested in the welfare of the American citizen, ONLY in how to keep power and that means two totally opposed parities with no end in sight.
That extreme shortsidedness can lead to the end of democracy in the US and it is in fact closer to Parliament as in the UK.
So rePUTINicans, I hope you are happy, history is going to cast you in terms of reprehensible and self seeking with ZERO regard for the actual plight of Americans.
@sonhouse saidRePUTINicans keep bringing up the Biden's and how corrupt they are. Ok, the inspector general reviewed all that and concluded nothing was there.
RePUTINicans keep bringing up the Biden's and how corrupt they are.
Ok, the inspector general reviewed all that and concluded nothing was there.
Here is another thing: WHY NOW? The answer is the Biden conspiracy is just weaponized politics by the rePUTINicans.
Here is the thing: in 2015 or so when the house AND senate were in full republican control, there was ZERO ment ...[text shortened]... you in terms of reprehensible and self seeking with ZERO regard for the actual plight of Americans.
Yes - Even some Trump supporters know this. The wheels are coming off their wagon due to Boltons book, + new evidence that's emerging almost daily on this Ukraine mess. Mitch and the Senate Republicans Are scrambling to try to hold things together. Look for more Biden deflection attempts, as well as more chattering about Hillary. Who knows, maybe they'll throw Romney under the bus too.
@sonhouse said"Ukraine prosecutor canned because he was fukking CORRUPT and EVERYONE knew it full well."
RePUTINicans keep bringing up the Biden's and how corrupt they are.
Ok, the inspector general reviewed all that and concluded nothing was there.
Here is another thing: WHY NOW? The answer is the Biden conspiracy is just weaponized politics by the rePUTINicans.
Here is the thing: in 2015 or so when the house AND senate were in full republican control, there was ZERO ment ...[text shortened]... you in terms of reprehensible and self seeking with ZERO regard for the actual plight of Americans.
Rumors are not proof. Everyone involved should be investigated. Trump, Hunter, Shokin, Kent and Pedophile Joe. All of them. That is the only way to find out who is really corrupt.
@metal-brain saidIt's stupid to waste time investigating people who did nothing wrong, and who, in fact, were fighting a corrupt Ukrainian government. The corrupt Trump administration is using this fairy tale of the Bidens being corrupt as a cover for their own corrupt actions. That is where any investigation should begin and end.
"Ukraine prosecutor canned because he was fukking CORRUPT and EVERYONE knew it full well."
Rumors are not proof. Everyone involved should be investigated. Trump, Hunter, Shokin, Kent and Pedophile Joe. All of them. That is the only way to find out who is really corrupt.
@sonhouse saidMe, I’ll be OK, cause i have a plan B whereby i can qualify as a Socialist, not unlike the status of Bernie. Folks not prepared will live under Socialism. Me, i aint even thinkin about it.
Will you be laughing in November when your king gets dethroned?
@suzianne saidBut wait.....Bidens DID in fact collude with Russians.
It's stupid to waste time investigating people who did nothing wrong, and who, in fact, were fighting a corrupt Ukrainian government. The corrupt Trump administration is using this fairy tale of the Bidens being corrupt as a cover for their own corrupt actions. That is where any investigation should begin and end.
FIVE investigations of Trump found he did NOT collude with Russia. I’m confused Suzy.
Just because an investigation says no collusion doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Are you conveniently forgetting the Helsinki BULLSHTYE so called summit between Putin and Trump where there were ZERO Americans on the sidelines who could say what was discussed AND at the end Trump was so fukking paranoid he ripped off the written report so NOBODY could have a CLUE about what was said? And you think no collusion? If you really think that you have taken a deep sip of the koolaid labeled 'the super flavor of the Naive'
You know, the one where he Trump said Putin told me VERY STONGLY RUSSIA DIDN"T DO IT. I have no reason to not believe him...….
Come on, open up your eyes and smell the coffee.
Then a few days later he goes, what I really meant was I don't see any reason why he WOULD have said that, since of course now we are to believe NOW he believes the analysis of OUR OWN EXPERTS over the word of an ex KBG thug.
You know, the thug Trump has his tongue 3 inches up Putin's ass?
@suzianne saidHow do you know the Bidens did nothing wrong without an investigation? Hunter got a lucrative job even though he had no experience. Sure looks corrupt.
It's stupid to waste time investigating people who did nothing wrong, and who, in fact, were fighting a corrupt Ukrainian government. The corrupt Trump administration is using this fairy tale of the Bidens being corrupt as a cover for their own corrupt actions. That is where any investigation should begin and end.
Where did the 1.8 Billion go that is missing? Firing Shokin didn't get results there. It sure looks like he was fired for trying to find the missing money. Kent wrote a letter asking that they not investigate and that they were not concerned where the money went.
The Obama administration was obviously condoning the embezzlement of that money. Why shouldn't Hunter be investigated for a possible kickback that benefited him? Pedophile Joe shut down the investigation into Burisma.
@sonhouse saidInvestigating where the 1.8 billion went is anti-American? Why are you condoning the embezzlement of 1.8 Billion? Do you like getting ripped off?
Yep, just continue with your anti-American stance. Putin will LOVE you.
@sonhouse saidJust because you say you don't have butt sex doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Just because an investigation says no collusion doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Are you conveniently forgetting the Helsinki BULLSHTYE so called summit between Putin and Trump where there were ZERO Americans on the sidelines who could say what was discussed AND at the end Trump was so fukking paranoid he ripped off the written report so NOBODY could have a CLUE ...[text shortened]... over the word of an ex KBG thug.
You know, the thug Trump has his tongue 3 inches up Putin's ass?