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Black, Red and Pink Pill Ideology

Black, Red and Pink Pill Ideology



The fall out of the internet generation?

"incel" community was founded in 1997 as an inclusive environment for lonely people of any gender, the community shifted to be all but exclusively male and has unfortunately been connected with hatred and violence towards women, including several mass killings. Women have been excluded from the community, with many people claiming that women cannot be involuntarily celibate.

Now, the femcel community is steadily gaining attention and membership.

...his sexual frustrations were stated by him to be the primary factor that made him carry out his suicidal rampage attack in the affluent California suburb of Isla Vista, which resulted in 7 deathshttps://incels.wiki/w/Elliot_Rodger

(yes, I watched a scary documentary last night)


This is a write up of the documentary I saw:


It's actually from last year.

One of the incels from the documentary:

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