@patzering saidYou never heard of a Royal Flush?
Hopefully he gets rid of the so-called royal family 🙄
Like they don't take a dump like me.
24 Jul 19
@patzering saidIt’s not the so-called royal family. It is the royal family, whether you like it or not.
Hopefully he gets rid of the so-called royal family 🙄
Like they don't take a dump like me.
Royal family 😂 what an absurd concept.
And there’s not a chance in hell that Boris is going to get rid of them (they have the same fan base as his supporters who want a brexit).
@wolfgang59 saidI think we should stop calling him by one name “Boris”. That’s like giving him superstar status.
92,000 right-wingers choose UK's Prime Minister
and he has the backing of Trump.
What could possibly go wrong?
Let’s refer to him by his surname. Call him “The Johnson”.
It’s far more apt.
24 Jul 19
@patzering saidYou don’t think Canada should go first
Hopefully he gets rid of the so-called royal family 🙄
Like they don't take a dump like me.
Royal family 😂 what an absurd concept.
@shavixmir saidawe how cute...he like the QUEEN. she be white ya know.
It’s not the so-called royal family. It is the royal family, whether you like it or not.
And there’s not a chance in hell that Boris is going to get rid of them (they have the same fan base as his supporters who want a brexit).
@patzering saidGod save the Queen.
Hopefully he gets rid of the so-called royal family 🙄
Like they don't take a dump like me.
Royal family 😂 what an absurd concept.
You can reciprocate with Jerry Springer if you like.
@mott-the-hoople saidI adore the Queen... and I'm American. May she live another hundred years.
awe how cute...he like the QUEEN. she be white ya know.
I don't rightly care if she's white, purple or green.