Can each of us have diff version of American dream?

Can each of us have diff version of American dream?


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31 May 12
2 edits

He's a brat who never grew up because the people around him bent over backwards to mollify him rather than risk another even more extreme tantrum. So he learned that if he throws ever more extreme tantrums, he'll eventually get what he wants. This explains his outrageous behavior even in a courtroom.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@moonbus said
You hate him for not getting the wall built in 4 years. Ok, let's discuss that.

Congress controls the purse. The president can set the general agenda, but he has no authority to compel the American tax payer to pay for it. Congress alone decides where the money goes. Trump failed to persuade Congress to pay for the wall, his signature campaign promise. So he did an endrun ...[text shortened]... but on the streets and in the minds of America. "Stand back and stand by" -- what a crap president.
Yes to all that, as far as i know.
But do you not see, I hate him for not getting it done. You cite all the problems he had, and WHY it was not done, but you can hardly say he did not have that as Number One priority in his tenure.
So, all you have done here is to make it clear what his efforts were. He failed in his efforts, and i think he could have done better. So I hate. him for that. What was the point of your simple post? I in effect was saying he did not get it done. As I often say, the 'why' is irrelevant.

and WHAT A HYPOCRISY that you say congress controls the purse. So, I have said that too, regarding paying $500 B in student loans. How can Biden 'compel' us to pay for it? Why can't Trump do the same thing? So, you are OK with going around Congress with school loans, but you fault Trump in re the wall?? Anyway., skip this paragraph and be sure you understand what i said above about hating him for not building the wall.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
Lol. No, I'm no fan of the wall. I guess that didn't come across.

For a long time, I didn't like Trump but everyone said, "Oh you just hate Trump." They used it as a debate-ending comment.

I agree with you that he is either the worst or second worst President in history (qv. Andrew Johnson). But I don't "hate" Andrew Johnson.

Then Turnip crossed the line. ...[text shortened]... nd people (not you) still say, "Oh you just hate Trump," and walk away from debates.

Infuriating? Seriously, should I not be infuriated at Biden 'compelliing' (Moonbus' word) me and you to pay off the school tuiition of grad students?
Why do you get to be infuriated but I do not. It is not faaaaaaaaaaaaiir.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@moonbus said
Personally, I think the man is repulsive. But that is not the issue. I don't think he is fit for high office. It has nothing to do with his building a wall or inhibiting immigration from predominantly Muslim countries or giving tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or imposing import tariffs on Chinese products.

Trump's idea of being president is: 'I tell everybody what to do ...[text shortened]... fice. And that is why I think he is unfit for high office, regardless whether I like him personally.
Would you rather he be like a baby in diapers as is Biden? Just asking.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
Totally agree. Unfit.

"What Trump never understands about anything is that liking him is not the issue." Extreme, what some have diagnosed as malignant, narcissism.
Obama is a textbook (dictionary) narcissist.
Would you be big about your casted aspersion against Trump by ending it with '''"...Just like Obama".?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@moonbus said
He's a brat who never grew up because the people around him bent over backwards to mollify him rather than risk another even more extreme tantrum. So he learned that if he throws ever more extreme tantrums, he'll eventually get what he wants. This explains his outrageous behavior even in a courtroom.
Everything that the libs do, with rioting, tantrums, face screaming, etc, results in their 'getting what they want', little feller. And, you WILL win in the end, it works, so Trump is simply employing lib tactics.
All posts today have been easy for AvJoe to clean up. I feel like a clean-up batter bottom of the 9th.


31 May 12

@AverageJoe1 said
Infuriating? Seriously, should I not be infuriated at Biden 'compelliing' (Moonbus' word) me and you to pay off the school tuiition of grad students?
Why do you get to be infuriated but I do not. It is not faaaaaaaaaaaaiir.
Yeah, we know ... you don't want an educated workforce. The ignorant are much easier to manipulate and exploit for low wages and no benefits.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@moonbus said
Yeah, we know ... you don't want an educated workforce. The ignorant are much easier to manipulate and exploit for low wages and no benefits.
Why do College educated people get free money, when 65% of our Non-college educated get O money.?
None of you turkeys have ever responded directly to and answered this question.
The issue is the government giving out free money, NOT people being educated. If you and Suzianne (the ‘her one) had 3 kids and gave $1000 to one of them (33.% of them) for a reason you just dream up, how would you explain that?
Are you going to let me win yet another debate about a single issue?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@moonbus said
Yeah, we know ... you don't want an educated workforce. The ignorant are much easier to manipulate and exploit for low wages and no benefits.
If anyone reads this Moonbus blurb, could you possibly be swayed by it, and say Golly, that is a great point. Hadn’t considered that! I am going to march with a sign! I need tell someone his Opinion!

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

Don't quit your day job.
Right, Obama textbook narcissist. Tell me how you came to that conclusion and why is it worse than the known ultra high level narcissist readings of your Pope Don? That is BESIDES his high sociopath levels.


20 Oct 06
1 edit

Zero money? Hogwash fake news. This has been answered a bunch of times.

Just considering farming as one industry it's more than $30 billion. Free money.... Every year. Funny money for all those blue collar millionaires who skipped college.

Non college educated folk get plenty of free money.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
Zero money? Hogwash fake news. This has been answered a bunch of times.

Just considering farming as one industry it's more than $30 billion. Free money.... Every year. Funny money for all those blue collar millionaires who skipped college.

Non college educated folk get plenty of free money.
Awww, man, you missed my point. So the Sue analogy of 3 kids was a toughy.?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@AverageJoe1 said
Obama is a textbook (dictionary) narcissist.
Would you be big about your casted aspersion against Trump by ending it with '''"...Just like Obama".?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@AverageJoe1 said
Awww, man, you missed my point. So the Sue analogy of 3 kids was a toughy.?
I have no kids.

That makes me far more responsible than you.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@AverageJoe1 said
Yes to all that, as far as i know.
But do you not see, I hate him for not getting it done. You cite all the problems he had, and WHY it was not done, but you can hardly say he did not have that as Number One priority in his tenure.
So, all you have done here is to make it clear what his efforts were. He failed in his efforts, and i think he could have done bette ...[text shortened]... s paragraph and be sure you understand what i said above about hating him for not building the wall.
You aren't paying for anything.

That must be a relief. God forbid you give money to someone who needs it. You fight for corporations that suck the blood of Americans every day. Congrats.