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Can we learn through their mistakes?

Can we learn through their mistakes?


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New anthropological findings of the Dnalgne tribes 4year ritual festival!

This ritual only occurs once every 4 years and involves the general society daubing their face with white paint and then painting a red cross in the middle..

Excessive amounts of food are eaten and large amounts of intoxicants are imbibed within this ritualistic festival..

The Dnalgne tribe pray to the head of the ritual 'The Dnalgne reganam' who has 11 disciples who play out a ritualistic dance for 90 minutes with an oppossing tribe such as the Yalti or Niaps .....

The totem used is of a spherical shape and made of animal hide, every ritual disciple may only touch this sacred object with his feet except for one particulr member of each tribe, the Dnalgne tribe name this one person the Eilaog' and it is to the Eilaog that the responsibility falls to stop the spherical animal hide enterting the protected ritual area known as 'The Loag'

The members of each tribe watch the ritual performance and learn their cultures ethos spelt out in a collective as they shout, scream and sometimes cry if the spherical animal object know as the 'Llab' enters their sacred ritual area 'Loag'.

It seems this tribe and the others that form this collective ritual practice are very aggressive and ethnocentric only ubderstanding their own tribes culture and not appreciating any other world views. Competition is a strong ethos and makes these people blind with a need to outperform the other tribes 11 ritual disciple unit named the 'maet'.

The maet who managers to get the 'llab' into the oppossing maet's sacred area known as the Loag, wins the ritual dance and goes on to compete against another maet until finally their stands one tribe whio is named the 'Renniw' and they receive a large vessel of gold named the 'pucdlrow' and much celebration goes on within the tribes regional area named a 'yrtnuoc'. The people of this planet do not share their space but divide it into a yrtnuoc's, although they are the most intelligent animal of their planet they too like animals are very territorial and will defend this space even if it means their death believing that their particular yrtnuoc has a better philosophy of living than others. these are very primal people, my study continues.

Anthropological Institute of the Universe

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sign me up, that sounds like fun.

anyway, cant you just enjoy the next 4 weeks which will be a feast of (hopefully) good football.

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Originally posted by davidtravelling
sign me up, that sounds like fun.

anyway, cant you just enjoy the next 4 weeks which will be a feast of (hopefully) good football.
A ritual of ethnocentric dimensions involving 'them' and 'us' you mean..

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thats what international sport is all about. There may be some people who take it too far but, them aside, are you saying that its wrong for us to support a team and hope that they do well?

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Originally posted by davidtravelling
thats what international sport is all about. There may be some people who take it too far but, them aside, are you saying that its wrong for us to support a team and hope that they do well?
It promotes racial superiority and nationalist ethics

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but isnt man i tribal animal. hasnt our history shown that we need to be in one gang or another, thats part of our identity, how we below.

isnt therefore international competitive sport a good way to fulfill this need without having to resort to other, more violent, ways? its a safety valve in a way.

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Originally posted by davidtravelling
but isnt man i tribal animal. hasnt our history shown that we need to be in one gang or another, thats part of our identity, how we below.

isnt therefore international competitive sport a good way to fulfill this need without having to resort to other, more violent, ways? its a safety valve in a way.
Freud has staed that watching aggressive sports is a way of humanity channeling their aggresive primal tendancies, yes.

But gladiators killing each other within the arena was once thought to be ok until we realised that this was not the case...

I'm not comparing football to the gladiators of Rome, but I'm sure you get my drift. every era has carried out a cultural act that with time people have realised is archaic and backwards..

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gladiators were much more than just entertainment, there was the whole ritual of death involved in it, in a large reason for their being banned was not because they were deemed cruel or backward but because of their pagan associations.

they were replaced in the people's affections by chariot racing which then carried on for years - competitive sport has been around for millenia.

Juvenal once said that the roman authorities used "bread and the circuses (i.e. gladiators)" as a way of distracting the population. I think it was marx (but im not certain) called religion the opium of the masses. In this post religious age, sport (namely football) has taking that role.

Like i said, there needs to be something for the collective to get behind and support, it just happens at this time to be football. Maybe in the future it will be something different but it doesnt change the fact that there will always be something - so enjoy!

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Originally posted by Vladamir no1
It promotes racial superiority and nationalist ethics
It doesn't have to (what are nationalist ethics, by the way).

The world cup isn't the cause of nationalistic feelings - they'd be present anyway.

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Originally posted by Redmike
It doesn't have to (what are nationalist ethics, by the way).

The world cup isn't the cause of nationalistic feelings - they'd be present anyway.
As I've said before and I'll say it again, in order to break the invisible yet very real mational borders that seperate humanity as a whole we need to stop seperatist activities such as the world cup and the olympics..........

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Originally posted by Vladamir no1
As I've said before and I'll say it again, in order to break the invisible yet very real mational borders that seperate humanity as a whole we need to stop seperatist activities such as the world cup and the olympics..........
I see you're still as close-minded and ignorant about such events as always. Some people never learn...

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Originally posted by Palynka
I see you're still as close-minded and ignorant about such events as always. Some people never learn...
be constructive ...you fool

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Originally posted by Vladamir no1
As I've said before and I'll say it again, in order to break the invisible yet very real mational borders that seperate humanity as a whole we need to stop seperatist activities such as the world cup and the olympics..........
I disagree - the world cup and the olympics are symptoms, not causes.

Abolishing the olympics wont stop nationalistic behaviour.

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Originally posted by Redmike
I disagree - the world cup and the olympics are symptoms, not causes.

Abolishing the olympics wont stop nationalistic behaviour.
It's a start 😉

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Originally posted by davidtravelling
gladiators were much more than just entertainment, there was the whole ritual of death involved in it, in a large reason for their being banned was not because they were deemed cruel or backward but because of their pagan associations.

they were replaced in the people's affections by chariot racing which then carried on for years - competitive s ...[text shortened]... thing different but it doesnt change the fact that there will always be something - so enjoy!
You think this is a post religious age?!

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