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can't understand bushies?

can't understand bushies?


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I have met many wonderful people who seem to be very intelligent, who are also in love with George Bush and his administration. I simply just can't understand it. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking any of them, I just can't understand. Someone please explain to me how you can spin all the idiotic and horrible things he has done in office around to anything that resembles good or sensible? It's like he's made a deal with the devil or something. I am amazed! Any thoughts? I can't wait to hear from you. I know that at least someone can explain it to me.

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Reminds me of all those people who love Clinton. And the Democrats don't really love Kerry is interesting. There is something wrong with picking a candidate, not because you really stand behind him, but because you think he can beat your opponent. That's kind of sad really. The Democrats don't have anyone that really gets them excited. That's why Gore lost and that's why Bush is going to win the election.

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Most of those are good points. I wasn't really talking about Democrats though. That seems to be the typical response. I'm not sure whether I'm a Democrat or a Republican myself. I agree that Kerry is not a very strong candidate. We all know the real reason Gore didn't win in 2000 though, Bush, his brother, and the Supreme Court planned it that way.

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Originally posted by chckrogers
I have met many wonderful people who seem to be very intelligent, who are also in love with George Bush and his administration. I simply just can't understand it. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking any of them, I just can't understand. Someone please explain to me how you can spin all the idiotic and horrible things he has done in office around t ...[text shortened]... y thoughts? I can't wait to hear from you. I know that at least someone can explain it to me.
I'm not in love with Bush, but he is trying to deal with terrorism the best way HE thinks it ought to be dealt with. He's at least doing more than the cigar-smoking, head-gettin' slick Willy that we had in the 90s...if you were/are a Clintonite, please explain your love for him...if you did in fact love him...Bush ain't perfect...but at least he's not ignoring terorrism like Clinton did...it sucks being President of the US..do you honestly know anyone who can do better?...please don't say Hillary or Bob Kerry...but if you do, explain how they could do better...cheers

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I guess I can't speak for the bushies. I don't have the same problems with him that the ant-bushies do, but I don't have any love for him either. The big spending bills really irk me. But I'd get worse from the Democrats. The tax relief is great!

(Don't you love how the Republicans have smartened up. Instead of tax-cuts, it's tax relief. Democrats try to push the fantasy that the government has to 'pay for' tax cuts. I don't think most people fall for that line.)

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Originally posted by chckrogers
Most of those are good points. I wasn't really talking about Democrats though. That seems to be the typical response. I'm not sure whether I'm a Democrat or a Republican myself. I agree that Kerry is not a very strong candidate. We all know the real reason Gore didn't win in 2000 though, Bush, his brother, and the Supreme Court planned it that way.
Come on, man...Bush won fair and square...if not, why didn't the Dems push harder to get it overturned?...cause they couldn't that's why...What do you have to say about Gore not wanting to let service members stationed overseas vote absentee...typical Democrat crap....the service members won it for Bush..because of him, I'm making more $$...Clinton hated the military...hated paying us a decent salary...cigar-smoking chump...🙄

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I think Bush did just a good of job ignoring terrorism as Clinton did. The congressional hearings seemed to indicate that at least. And who was in office when the Saudi Arabians attacked on Sept. 11?

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As for the Democrat attacking going on, I am not a Democrat. I used to think I was a Republican until 1999, when Bush came around. My favorite person in Washington is Sen. John McCain. It seems that name calling would be the last form of argument, it is certainly not the best.

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Originally posted by chckrogers
I think Bush did just a good of job ignoring terrorism as Clinton did. The congressional hearings seemed to indicate that at least. And who was in office when the Saudi Arabians attacked on Sept. 11?
I think Bush didn't drop the ball but, a lot of blame can go to previous Bush administration along with Bill Clinton. Together they had 12 years to mess it up.

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I don't understand how you can blame only the presidents who were in office the twelve years before Bush II. Does the president in office have no responsibility? Will we blame Bush II for whatever happens in the year 2012? No responsibiity? None whatsoever?

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Originally posted by chckrogers
I don't understand how you can blame only the presidents who were in office the twelve years before Bush II. Does the president in office have no responsibility? Will we blame Bush II for whatever happens in the year 2012? No responsibiity? None whatsoever?
He was only in office 9 months when the attacked the trade center. They planned that attack years before. Don't get me wrong, Bush has ticked me off more than once. I'm just saying Clinton could have gotten Osssama and Bush seior could have put more pressure on the Saudi government to get Ossamma when he lived there prior to his exile.

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Nobody, not Bush, Clinton, Carter, had the political will power to do what it would have taken to stop a 9/11 from happening. There have been lone voices saying that some day a attack was going to happen. And most people acknowledged that is was just a matter of time before a terrorist went after the US in a big way. It's just like saying that some day a big earthquake will hit California and possibly thousands will die. Most people believe that is possible, even likely. Now what are we going to do about it? Not enough to save all those lives! After the fact, we might try something radical, but not before.

I don't care if there were reports that said terrorist were considering flying planes into buildings. That's been written up in fiction novels. There have been reports that terrorist are working a exploding a dirty bomb in Washington D.C.. Terrorist tried to collapse the WTC before, have we forgotten that. And what did the government do to stop them from trying again? What are we going to do to stop each specific threat?

You can not prevent all the worst-case scenarios. If we managed to stop the 9/11 planes from flying, it would have been the dirty bomb, and if not the dirty bomb, the poisoning of Chicago's water supply, or the killer virus attack, or the .... you get the picture?

So we lock all our borders, send home all the foreigners, cut off all communications to the rest of the world, and end all trade. That should stop 'em! Doesn't sound like America to me.

The whole attack on Bush - to make it look like he didn't take terrorism seriously, is one of the lowest, dirtiest attacks that the desperate Democrats have tried to date.

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Originally posted by Coletti
Nobody, not Bush, Clinton, Carter, had the political will power to do what it would have taken to stop a 9/11 from happening. There have been lone voices saying that some day a attack was going to happen. And most people acknowledged that is was just a matter of time before a terrorist went after the US in a big way. It's just like saying that some day a ...[text shortened]... sly, is one of the lowest, dirtiest attacks that the desperate Democrats have tried to date.
Of course the Clinton and Bush administrations could have done more to stop 9/11 from happening. But that's with hindsight.

It's like saying: "They shouldn't have kicked Hitler out of art-school." Probably true, but it happened and that's it.
The same goes for 9/11. Yes, you can do more, but you can ALWAYS do more. It doesn't make Clinton or Bush (and believe me there's no love lost between me and the Bushes) responsible. That's called scape-goating.

US foreign policy is probably the greatest cause of 9/11.
But that's a different subject.

As for Bush, what's not to like about the man? He's dumb, he was an alcoholic and he used cocaine! Sounds like a regular party animal to me.
I fancy his daughter. I wonder if she'd be interested in an old commie?

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Originally posted by chckrogers
I have met many wonderful people who seem to be very intelligent, who are also in love with George Bush and his administration. I simply just can't understand it. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking any of them, I just can't understand. Someone please explain to me how you can spin all the idiotic and horrible things he has done in office around t ...[text shortened]... y thoughts? I can't wait to hear from you. I know that at least someone can explain it to me.
Beats me, Can you imagine Blair coming out with something like this from Bush's April 14 speech? Turn off his teleprompter and he struggles to make a coherent sentence.

"I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time, so I could plan for it. (Laughter.) John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way, or that way. You know, I just -- I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet. "

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Originally posted by Coletti
Reminds me of all those people who love Clinton. And the Democrats don't really love Kerry is interesting. There is something wrong with picking a candidate, not because you really stand behind him, but because you think he can beat your opponent. That's kind of sad really. The Democrats don't have anyone that really gets them excited. That's why Gore lost and that's why Bush is going to win the election.
A lot of Democrats got excited about Howard Dean. But he was viewed by many as being too "extreme", so he lost out to Kerry. The Democratic mantra this election is "anyone but Bush". Personally, I never thought I'd see a President that I hated more than Reagan, but Bush has done it in spades. Bush is the worst President in the history of this nation. He must be defeated by any means possible. If that means going along with Kerry, then so be it.

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