Is their combined “ID” shown in their “self professed wholeness” , in their lives. How about public/private portrayals of themselves and wholeness?
Is this self created ID put forth in their politics, goals, long/short term agendas and how we all should think, live, and give? If so, of course it is. How is this shown in them personally and on individuals, along with the world? How does all of what I’ve mentioned supposed to make me not think you are all very immature, narcissistic, and very sheltered. Thoughts?
Should we beware anyone or group who won’t defend or open up intelligently about simple questions to prove their correct and true?
Do sideswipes and changing the subject to not answer sound like honesty? Is this something you would want to be a part of? Is this going to create a strong unified country with positive influences?
@mike69 saidAn example of this thought pattern and personhood is fmf. He is one who trades word gambits for self imposed intelligence. He sacrificed ego and pride for truth and honesty. This can be proven by reading his hate speech for honestly and truth when he has none.
Should we beware anyone or group who won’t defend or open up intelligently about simple questions to prove their correct and true?
Do sideswipes and changing the subject to not answer sound like honesty? Is this something you would want to be a part of? Is this going to create a strong unified country with positive influences?
@mike69 saidYeah I guess social work cover was pretty scant in your state when you were growing up, your parenting experience might explain your lack of empathy though.
Stop acting like a baby and grow up!
Has the Liberal mindset on life function and equality done this?
What are some of the tactics used they say they hate about us.
How is this mindset making the world a better place for all?