31 Mar 21
Really depressing:
The Chinese equivalent to the CIA, the Ministry of State Security, has been acting like a deranged stalky pathetic ex for the last eight months. To figure out every detail of my life, inc my exes, my medical history, my freinds, my hobbies and flaws, they have resorted to 1/
detention and interrogation of my loves ones, hacking, impersonation, video production of a fantasy version of my sex life, illegal botnets to spread those videos, and today a ton of WeChat articles calling me a "female demon" 2/
These covert actions are a response to my 2020 report with @ASPI_org colleagues "Uyghurs for Sale", which revealed the extent of Chinese government's forced labor schemes targeting Uyghurs. These actions have caused pain and heartbreak for myself and those arond me, 3/
but by now we've gotten used to it. I've gotten used to it and will live with it. The names I've been called, from "West-worshipping bitch" (2019) to "race traitor" (2020) to "female demon" who "has sex simoutaneously with 15 men and doesn't pay" (2021) - it's been an upgrade 4/
I'm tweeting now because today is one of the worst days and friends are starting to get worried. My name as a hashtag attracted 1.7 mil clicks on Weibo this afternoon, and just now I realized so many people have reported my Weibo account that it has disappeared. 5/
It's certianly bad, but it's been worse for many others. Living in relative physical safety in Australia, I remind myself to keep writing and reporting, at the very least. Today I've been doing that, and I'll do that tomorrow, and the day after. 6/
I feel thoroughly disappointed by the team of MSS officers who spent months reading my text messages, interrogating my loves ones, in order to figure out my sex life. If they did their homework they'd know that in Australia... /end
The Chinese government is so obsessed with crushing people who criticize them that they will harass individuals living abroad and subject their family to interrogating & detaining her own family members, as well as impersonating her and dragging her name through the mud.
This is not the behavior of a developed nation with a respectable government.
Note that the argument of Duchess64 amounts to the idea that
the Taiwanese & USA have checkered pasts, therefore it is acceptable
for the Chinese Communists to harrass a woman's family & pry into
her sex life like a creepy ex-boyfriend.
This is because, in spite of all of her knowledge & reading, there's
nothing that Duchess64 can say which even begins to remotely
justify the hardship that the sitting Chinese government puts Chinese
people through in the year 2021.
The post that was quoted here has been removedThis isn't true.
"Westerners", including writers on this forum, have extensively criticized governments like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and yes, the U.S. Shavixmir is a frequent critic of the U.S.; both the U.S. government and U.S. culture. I've similarly criticized the U.S. and Russia, Saudi Arabia, and I've even started threads criticizing the president of Belarus. No poster on this site, conservative or not, disagreed that Lukashenko was a dictator.
Duchess' claims are false.
31 Mar 21
@vivify saidThis is correct.
This isn't true.
"Westerners", including writers on this forum, have extensively criticized governments like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and yes, the U.S. Shavixmir is a frequent critic of the U.S.; both the U.S. government and U.S. culture. I've similarly criticized the U.S. and Russia, Saudi Arabia, and I've even started threads criticizing the president of Belarus. No pos ...[text shortened]... site, conservative or not, disagreed that Lukashenko was a dictator.
Duchess' claims are false.
The majority of Westerners here are quite to the left and critical to a fault of Western governments and their actions today, let alone a century or more ago.
The post that was quoted here has been removedWhen your goal is to use to U.S. actions as a deflection of criticism of China's government, then it is irrelevant.
Would you approve of Eladar deflecting criticism of white racists by pointing out instances of Chinese bigotry? Or by pointing out that blacks can also be racist? This is what you're doing by bringing up the U.S. every time China's government is criticized.