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02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19


The time has come, I think, my friends
To stand and raise your voices
Because the way I see it now
We only have two choices

Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Turn off the lights, take back your cars
And when they pass the bill
Decide who gets the pacemaker
And who just gets the pill

Or rally round a President
Who, with his blots and smudges
Created jobs, blew up the Dow
And got through countless judges

Who, fighting inquisitions
And loads of Doubting Thomases
Has, more than any other man
Fulfilled his campaign promises

Now some say these alternatives
Can both elicit pain
But one way there’s so much to lose
With everything you gain

Your fancy friends don’t like his looks
And say the guy is boorish
But thanks to grubby Charles Martel
We’re all not speaking Moorish

Sure, he doesn’t toe the mark
With State Department Guidelines
But with the future up for grabs
You can’t sit on the sidelines

I know that there are times you think
“I know how Sophie felt”
But when you have to play for keeps
You play the hand you’re dealt

Will you fight for liberty
As boys once did in Flanders
Or like some geeks choose General Tso’s
Over Colonel Sanders

So, drown your doubts in liquor
Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
15 Nov 19

@whodey said

The time has come, I think, my friends
To stand and raise your voices
Because the way I see it now
We only have two choices

Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Turn off the lights, take back your cars
And when they pass the bill
Decide who gets the pacemaker
And who j ...[text shortened]... Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe
Heed my advice
urbanites and hicks
The biggest vice
in politics

Whether on the land
or on the seas
is that of creating
false dichotomies


07 Feb 09
15 Nov 19

So you're begging everyone to give Trump a mulligan ?
The first choice to be made here.
Do you protect the democracy that is to be the foundation of a healthy society ?
The other choices can come later.

You don't want America to become a dictatorship to prevent Socialism.
After all, that's what happened in the Soviet Union.
Creating a dictatorship to prevent capitalism.

The impeachment may, in the end, amount to nothing.
But the statement has to be made !!
That the checks and balances have to remain in place.


Lake Como

27 Jul 10
15 Nov 19

@whodey said

Or rally round a President
Who, with his blots and smudges
Created jobs, blew up the Dow
And got through countless judges

Who, fighting inquisitions
And loads of Doubting Thomases
Has, more than any other man
Fulfilled his campaign promises

Now some say these alternatives
Can both elicit pain
But one way there’s so much to lose
...[text shortened]... Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe


02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19

@mghrn55 said
So you're begging everyone to give Trump a mulligan ?
The first choice to be made here.
Do you protect the democracy that is to be the foundation of a healthy society ?
The other choices can come later.

You don't want America to become a dictatorship to prevent Socialism.
After all, that's what happened in the Soviet Union.
Creating a dictatorship to prevent ...[text shortened]... nothing.
But the statement has to be made !!
That the checks and balances have to remain in place.
Checks and balances,
or so they say
Is what makes our government
Work so well in such a way

But when we see checks and balances over the years
That are violated on a whim
With no repercussions
Unless you are Trump or are associated with him

You understand who runs things
Which is clearly not the voters
Because if the voters ran things
Congress would be able to achieve an approval rating
That is higher than a sump pump driven moter

And so I leave you with this my friends
Although you hate the Cheeto
The Cheeto is not the source of your problems
It is the clown show that elevated him there.

So what to do to fix corruption,
which I hear NONE of you ask,
I only hear screams for impeachment,
Which has lasted it seems from another era gone well past.

May I offer a solution,
A solution that few want to hear,
It is the Article V movement
Which is not well received by many of my peers

So what is YOUR solution,
I ask to no avail.
Just more screams for impeachment,
Which will probably cause people to want to nothing more than impale.

Off with their heads!
The mob says,
We have all seen this before.
So if it did not work in France,
Why would it work anywhere, anymore?


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
15 Nov 19

@whodey said

The time has come, I think, my friends
To stand and raise your voices
Because the way I see it now
We only have two choices

Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Turn off the lights, take back your cars
And when they pass the bill
Decide who gets the pacemaker
And who j ...[text shortened]... Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe
Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Our government gives away twice as much free $$ to the Fortune 500 in corporate welfare as they do to social welfare, you're you're sniveling about socialism?


02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19
2 edits

@mchill said
Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Our government gives away twice as much free $$ to the Fortune 500 in corporate welfare as they do to social welfare, you're you're sniveling about socialism?

poetic form, PLEASE!!!

So you admit to corporate welfare,
Is one of our banes,
But refuse to refute,
General welfare is just the same?


02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19
1 edit

What do you say, gang, poetic form only?

Make it fun instead of a mindless hate Trump drivel.

It does get old

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
15 Nov 19

@whodey said
What do you say, gang, poetic form only?

Make it fun instead of a mindless hate Trump drivel.

It does get old
There once was a President named Don
Whose mind went hither, dither and yon
But his mistake on Ukraine
Was borderline insane
And the last of his competence was gone


02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19

Quid pro quo
Or no quid pro quo
That is the question

Whether ’tis nobler for quid pro Joe
Than slings and arrows from outrageous Trumps fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing the Swamp? To die: to sleep?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Nov 19
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@whodey said
Checks and balances,
or so they say
Is what makes our government
Work so well in such a way

But when we see checks and balances over the years
That are violated on a whim
With no repercussions
Unless you are Trump or are associated with him

You understand who runs things
Which is clearly not the voters
Because if the voters ran things
Congress would be able to ...[text shortened]... e have all seen this before.
So if it did not work in France,
Why would it work anywhere, anymore?
When will you learn to cite your sources?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Nov 19

@whodey said

poetic form, PLEASE!!!

So you admit to corporate welfare,
Is one of our banes,
But refuse to refute,
General welfare is just the same?
You are disgusting. Are you finally admitting that you are against the US Constitution?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Nov 19
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@whodey said
What do you say, gang, poetic form only?

Make it fun instead of a mindless hate Trump drivel.

It does get old
No, it doesn't.


Lake Como

27 Jul 10
15 Nov 19

@suzianne said
You are disgusting. Are you finally admitting that you are against the US Constitution?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
You’ve stepped in it. Now you are obliged to define the phrase ‘Promote the general welfare.” Not to get ahead of you, but surely you won’t suggest it means give cash to random entities, ‘free’🤔 stuff to all citizens, such as that. Not logical. So, what does it mean?

I would present this in a jocular rhyme,
But, today, the circus entertains my thyme.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Nov 19

@averagejoe1 said
You’ve stepped in it. Now you are obliged to define the phrase ‘Promote the general welfare.” Not to get ahead of you, but surely you won’t suggest it means give cash to random entities, ‘free’🤔 stuff to all citizens, such as that. Not logical. So, what does it mean?

I would present this in a jocular rhyme,
But, today, the circus entertains my thyme.
That you don't know what it means speaks volumes.

Are there ANY conservatives here who understand ANY aspect of their own government?

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