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02 Jan 06
15 Nov 19

@suzianne said
You are disgusting. Are you finally admitting that you are against the US Constitution?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Madison wrote to explain his General Welfare clause
For those who know, it will force you to eat crow
If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, he said
Then the very idea of a limited government would be subverted
So it's the Constitution that Progressives have perverted.

This corner stone upon which Progressivism was built,
Turns out to be nothing more than a faulty foundation
Just more lies heaped upon lies to the hilt.

“If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may establish teachers in every State, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public Treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads. In short, every thing, from the highest object of State legislation, down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.”

James Madison

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Nov 19
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@whodey said
Madison wrote to explain his General Welfare clause
For those who know, it will force you to eat crow
If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, he said
Then the very idea of a limited government would be subverted
So it's the Constitution that Progressives have perverted.

This corner stone upon which Progressivism was built,
Turns out to be nothi ...[text shortened]... ney, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.”

James Madison
No wonder you want an Article V convention.

You want to enable Republicans to remake the Constitution into their own image.

So much for the vaunted "respect" conservatives USED to have for the Constitution.

I fully understand that conservatives are against most of the citizens, to the point of desiring to refuse to provide necessary infrastructure of the country. In fact, many provisions of the law indicate "providing for the general welfare", and almost all of them draw the ire of conservatives. I get all that. And you wonder why I consider Republicans evil. They are the complete epitome of the idea that "I've got mine, screw you." That being said, even though what Monroe said is true in theory, in practice, reality is far different. There are plenty of state and local laws, most of which could be retained to the Federal government, that have been ceded to the States, with little to no disagreement. This does not mean that ALL such government function be ceded to the States. Some states have excellent government, some have horrible government. It provides for no citizen's "general welfare" to cede to the states functions they are ill-equipped to perform.


02 Jan 06
16 Nov 19

@suzianne said
No wonder you want an Article V convention.

You want to enable Republicans to remake the Constitution into their own image.

So much for the vaunted "respect" conservatives USED to have for the Constitution.

I fully understand that conservatives are against most of the citizens, to the point of desiring to refuse to provide necessary infrastructure of the country. ...[text shortened]... for no citizen's "general welfare" to cede to the states functions they are ill-equipped to perform.
How much debt is too much debt?
Why no on seems to know,
How much spending is too much spending,
Why no one seems to care,
In fact, it is a question no one seems to even dare

This is what we have become,
What government takes over,
Becomes a right
And if you wish to reduce it or limit it in any way,
You better be up for a fight,
Because if you ever take away that right,
Why it is the Constitution that you blight.

And at the end of the day,
Is a massive debt in the best interest for the general welfare?
Or could it lead to our worst nightmare,
Yet no one seems to know or care,
With this both parties lock arm in arm,
Off a cliff from which we cannot see the bottom.
All we know is at that bottom will come great harm

Reduce government spending?
Why you are against the Constitution,
So why all the confusion?
Just don't do something so draconian,
As to limit that spending,
A governing style that belongs in the Smithsonian

And if the Republic then fails,
Cuz our debt is off the rails
Who will tend to the general welfare then?
Who will fight for the Constitution to the better end?
Venezuela here we come!
Never mind him, he is just conservative scum!


07 Feb 09
16 Nov 19

Deficit under Trump at $1 trillion.
Don’t have time
To make it rhyme

To carry out impeach
Not a big reach


02 Jan 06
16 Nov 19

@mghrn55 said
Deficit under Trump at $1 trillion.
Don’t have time
To make it rhyme

To carry out impeach
Not a big reach
Trump locked arm and arm to spend
With democrats, republicans, and socialists to their own end,
Spend we will, spend we must
For in monopoly money do we trust,
And when Trump is impeached,
Will anything change?
Why yes it will, we will spend even more
As if we were deranged.

Free health care, free college!
Free abortions, contraception, and carbon free cars with low mileage,
We will spend till we drop,
We will spend till we break
Not to worry though we will also tax,
And although the tax won't cover the spending,
Tax we must, or they will see us as what we are,
Which is just a big fake.


Lake Como

27 Jul 10
16 Nov 19

@whodey said
How much debt is too much debt?
Why no on seems to know,
How much spending is too much spending,
Why no one seems to care,
In fact, it is a question no one seems to even dare

This is what we have become,
What government takes over,
Becomes a right
And if you wish to reduce it or limit it in any way,
You better be up for a fight,
Because if you ever take away that ...[text shortened]... stitution to the better end?
Venezuela here we come!
Never mind him, he is just conservative scum!
“What govt takes over becomes a right’

If govt takes over healthcare, they truly control our lives. Right now, except for Korea, Venezuela is the most powerful government in the world. We dont want that.


29 Dec 08
16 Nov 19


NATALIE COLE - Gotta serve somebody (with lyrics)


02 Jan 06
17 Nov 19
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@js357 said


NATALIE COLE - Gotta serve somebody (with lyrics)
Choose this day whom thou shalt serve
It has been said,
Will it be me, you, or another,
That is what must answer as you lie awake at night thinking in bed.

Will it be those who have lied to you?
Will it be those who have robbed from you?
That really is not advisable,
Or will you choose those or the One who tells the truth,
And who deliver you from such chains of sin,
Which is most appealing of all and undeniable.

To the cross goes the man who dare take this righteous approach,
To the cross he goes without guile, guilt, or reproach,
Will you serve such a man?
Can you stand to be treated the same?
Will you endure such things as he endured?
Or will you surrender to those who refuse to rightfully take any blame?

And that is the situation my friends,
To those who agree to thinking that is sound,
To those who dare accept and endure,
Never ending thumbs down

Great King Rat

24 Apr 10
17 Nov 19
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@whodey said

The time has come, I think, my friends
To stand and raise your voices
Because the way I see it now
We only have two choices

Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Turn off the lights, take back your cars
And when they pass the bill
Decide who gets the pacemaker
And who j ...[text shortened]... Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe
“ Or rally round a President
Who, with his blots and smudges
Created jobs, blew up the Dow
And got through countless judges

Who, fighting inquisitions
And loads of Doubting Thomases
Has, more than any other man
Fulfilled his campaign promises”

You sure are quite fond of the man who you thought was only put into place to ensure a Democratic win in 2016, until the day he won for the Republicans.

But no, you’re not partisan at all, are you?

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
17 Nov 19
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@suzianne said
You are disgusting. Are you finally admitting that you are against the US Constitution?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Of course Doodey is disgusting . He is a Republican and their motto is "Truth , Integrity and the Constitution be Damned , We Want Power " . People whose political motivations are against the Constitution are not Americans in the sense of what our Founders intended . Simply put , they are traitors .


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
17 Nov 19
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@whodey said

The time has come, I think, my friends
To stand and raise your voices
Because the way I see it now
We only have two choices

Capitulate to socialists
And willingly agree
The government can own you
If they give you stuff for free

Turn off the lights, take back your cars
And when they pass the bill
Decide who gets the pacemaker
And who j ...[text shortened]... Or go and tour a winery
Whatever gives you courage
Because the choice is binary

-Tarzana Joe


02 Jan 06
17 Nov 19
4 edits

@great-king-rat said
“ Or rally round a President
Who, with his blots and smudges
Created jobs, blew up the Dow
And got through countless judges

Who, fighting inquisitions
And loads of Doubting Thomases
Has, more than any other man
Fulfilled his campaign promises”

You sure are quite fond of the man who you thought was only put into place to ensure a Democratic win in 2016, until the day he won for the Republicans.

But no, you’re not partisan at all, are you?
We all turn out in droves
To vote for what we think is the lesser of two evils,
And when we do, sure enough
We see the evil of these peoples

The other guy is somehow worse,
We convince ourselves in great numbers,
Why if my candidate had been elected in,
We would all see that they have no sin.

But sin they do and sin they must,
As we watch with great disgust,
I told you so, belongs to the opposing voice
You should never have voted for that dope
For my guy or gal was our last great hope.

And as we see the nation split
To ever increasing numbers,
It all becomes all to apparent,
Our vote only seems to encumber

It encumbers half the nation
That wishes they could split
From Red or Blue states that force them into assimilation

But why do this,
When all that needs to be done,
Is let the Red and Blue states govern
The best they know how
Especially if they are Southern

Why force all the states to do as the President insists
When all they need to do is coexist
Why not let Federalism work as planned
As the Founders set things up
Instead half of us wanting the Constitution canned?

Why we have all the answers!
Shouts the Red or Blue in power
Rally round, we will lead
When really they are just a cancer.

Great King Rat

24 Apr 10
17 Nov 19
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@whodey said
We all turn out in droves
To vote for what we think is the lesser of two evils,
And when we do, sure enough
We see the evil of these peoples

The other guy is somehow worse,
We convince ourselves in great numbers,
Why if my candidate had been elected in,
We would all see that they have no sin.

But sin they do and sin they must,
As we watch with great disgust,
I t ...[text shortened]... rs!
Shouts the Red or Blue in power
Rally round, we will lead
When really they are just a cancer.
Yeah, that's all good and well, but you thought Trump was a plant for the Democrats until he won for the Republicans.

Since then you've been cheering for exactly the same person he was before.

You became a Trump fanboy literally overnight, when he undeniably became an "R"-president rather than a "D"-president.

But no, you're not partisan at all, are you?

No sir, you only look at the raw facts.

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